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啊,他正是我朝思暮想的白马王子!Oh, he is just my dreamboat!

我还没有离开,就已经对你朝思暮想。You have been the one for me.

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要有多坚强,才敢朝思暮想。Of them must be strong, dare never forget.

我终于买了我朝思暮想的那辆新车。I finally bought that new car I always wanted.

尽管还不曾离开,我已对你朝思暮想!I miss you so much already and I haven’t even left yet!

自从我第一眼见到她就开始朝思暮想。I can't take my mind off her since my first sight at her.

为你朝思暮想,尤其是你那张脸蛋。For your yearn day and night, especially you that piece of cheek.

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可是,当我想要抛弃一切的时分,竟盼到了朝思暮想的幸福。However, when I want to give up all the time, but hope to dream of happiness.

我明白母亲是在用这件礼物传达一种感情,而这正是50年来我一直朝思暮想渴望得到的。I sensed Mother communicating with this gift, a communication I'd craved for 50 years.

只是,当她真的遇到那个朝思暮想的男人时,他还记得她么?Is only, when she really when runs into man who that longs for, he also remembers her?

我又怎么可以如此冷漠地享受着他们梦寐以求的光明,聆听着他们朝思暮想的声音?How can I remorselessly enjoy the light another cannot see or the sound another cannot hear?

让它足够大、足够引人入胜以至于你总是朝思暮想并愿为它夜以继日地努力。Make it so big and so compelling that you cannot avoid thinking about it and working on it day after day.

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朝思暮想那个小伙子是没有用的,他不会回来了,你打算颓废一辈子吗?It's no use dreaming about that boy, he won't come back — are you going to moon away the whole of your life?

你友好接纳的目光点燃我心中酝酿已久的激情,你亲切柔和的鼓励卸下我所有顾虑,我满怀欣喜地奔向那方令我朝思暮想的美妙天空。Your friendly sight burns the long-brewed passion in my heart. Your tender encouragement melts away all my worries.

在你的人生中,有时候你会对某些人朝思暮想,那就从梦中把他们找出来,然后实实在在地拥抱他们!There are moments in life when you really miss someone that you want to pick them from your dreams and hug them for real!

至于那些以国家兴亡为己任者,每天朝思暮想的,就是如何能富国强兵。Those people, who take the prosperity of nation as his own duty, always consider how to strengthen their nation and army.

他是我一直朝思暮想的人,总是出现在我梦的最深处,我心底最隐秘的部分。The one I have created in my mind. The sort of man each woman dreams of in the deepest and most secret reaches of her heart.

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象征爱情的金星正处在有利于摩羯的位置,这是约会的好时候。为什么不联系你朝思暮想的人呢?Venus, the planet of love, is in a good position for Capricorns – a good time for dating. Why not contact someone who is in your thoughts?

眨眼间,他的种种设想都被打乱了,朝思暮想勾勒出来的生活图景到头只不过是一枕黄粱,永远成不了现实。All his plans were suddenly overthrown, and the existence, so elaborately pictured, was no more than a dream which would never be realised.

它没有形状,没有定势,是润物细无声的诱惑,是若隐若现的美景,是朝思暮想的探究,是以少胜多的智慧。It is a lure of watering plants silently , a indistinct beautiful scene, a yearning probe day and night, a wisdom with few rather than more.