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穷得像教堂里得耗子一样。/家徒四壁。As poor as the church mouse.

可是,下一分钟,你很有可能就是家徒四壁了啦!The next minute, however, you can be in debt with an empty house!

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他真的家徒四壁,生活落魄得连狗都不如。Hehas genuine church mouse! Even the dogs learticle some sort of life than him.

多年来为了给孩子治病,家里已经是家徒四壁。In order to treat their children for many years, the family is utterly destitute.

屋里只有几件破家具,真可算是家徒四壁。They were so destitute that there were only several pieces of broken furniture in the house.

有些人家徒四壁而安于贫穷,我们中间一些人在属灵上也是如此。Some people are poor enough to be interested in their poverty, and some of us are like that spiritually.

除此之外,多一个人就意味着多一张嘴,家徒四壁的家境实在没有能力在养活一个无关的人。In addition, more people means more mouth, utterly destitute families have no ability to feed an unrelated man.

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人们应该静下心来想一想了,为什么家徒四壁的穷人比腰缠万贯的富豪更轻松、更自在?People should calm down to think about it, why destitute of the poor than wealthy rich easier and more comfortable?

他和她结婚时家徒四壁,除了一处栖身之地外,连床都是借来的,更不用说其他的家具了。When he married her, he was in abject poverty except a place to live in. Even the bed was borrowed, let alone other furniture.

光武帝派使者吊丧,见其家徒四壁,只有布被覆尸,大麦数斛,破车一辆。Guangwu sent envoys condole, reflected in its four walls, only the cloth covered the corpse, the number of barley Gok, a broken car.