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他是个可笑蠢笨的人。He is a funny or stupid person.

我很欣赏我本人,由于我很瘦,不像我蠢笨的父亲。I appreciate that I am thin, not clumsy as my dad.

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太老的、太年轻的、太脏的或是太蠢笨的,它们都不会选择。Too old, too young, too scruffy, too stupid, and they won't do it.

有足够的笑料,还有性感、蠢笨和即兴的魅力。There are laughs here aplenty, and sexy, goofy, off-the-cuff charm.

就算给人以蠢笨的印象也不要紧…Calculate to the person also unimportant with the stupid stupid impression.

这人对以铁和乌甲说,我比众人更蠢笨,也没有人的聪明。Surely I am more brutish than any man, and have not the understanding of a man.

喜欢纠正别人的语法错误,总是抱怨现在的孩子有多蠢笨。You correct people's grammar and complain about how stupid kids are these days.

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如果你简化你的英语,你就不会有正统说教的最蠢笨的做法。If you simplify your English, you are freed from the worst follies of orthodoxy.

中国文学史上,存在着一个由众多愚昧、蠢笨的“愚”人构成的形象群体。In the history of Chinese literature, there is a community composed by the fool.

但不幸的是,在人气对抗中,潘迪不敌那只贪吃、蠢笨的阿宝,完全败下阵来。But sadly, in the popularity battle against the *greedy, *goofy Po, he suffered a crushing defeat.

你不需要把你的电视转换为菜单模式,或是用一个蠢笨的遥控器来控制你的iPod。You don’t need to turn on your TV to view menus or use a clunky separate remote to control your iPod.

同海燕相比,我只不过是恐惧的海鸥、呻吟的海鸭、蠢笨的企鹅。In the face of the stormy petrel, I am just a groaning seagull, a whimpering loon or a stupid penguin.

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在这里我们又看到了一个例子来显示他的蠢笨,他鼓励他儿子像他一样恶劣、俗不可耐。Here we see another example of his folly, as he encourages his son to be just as boorish and awful as he is.

是蠢笨人的师傅,是小孩子的先生,在律法上有知识和真理的模范。An instructor of the foolish, a teacher of babes, which hast the form of knowledge and of the truth in the law.

演出大厅里的戏曾经开演了,看着舞台上动作蠢笨的侄女彭,农轻叹一声。Performance hall once begun, watching the drama on stage the niece, peng action brutish farmers light with a sigh.

我看见大批迟钝蠢笨,受过训练,惟命是从,粗野凶残的德国士兵,像一大群爬行的蝗虫在沉重缓慢地前进。I see also the dull , drilled , docile , brutish masses of the hun soldiery plodding on like swarm of crawling locusts.

绘画应像音乐一样能够深入人的灵魂,不然的话,那就只是一件蠢笨的手工艺品。原文。Painting should pervade the soul in the same way, and as long as it does not do this it is nothing more than a brainless handicraft.

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我可以想象出很多的男演员,至于姓名我就好心地不提了,他们完全有能力将这部影片中的主人公扮演得满脸傻笑,或是无比蠢笨。I can imagine a long list of actors, whose names I will charitably suppress, who could appear in this material and render it simpering, or inane.

他的支持率曾经暴跌了水的处置普天间航空基地蠢笨,强化作为一个优柔寡断的指导者,他的大众抽象。His approval ratings have plummeted over the bungling of handling the Marine Air Station Futenma, reinforcing his public image as an indecisive leader.

如果你是个刚刚分手的女生,你会对你所有的朋友哭诉心事,然后大家一起写首关于男人为何如此蠢笨的诗。If you're a GIRL whose relationship just ended, you will cry your heart out to all her friends and all together write a poem about how men are so dumb and stupid.