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我每时每刻都思念着你。I coud not help missing you.

我喜欢教学的每时每刻。But I loved every minute of it.

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我希望每时每刻都能和你在一起。I want all the time I can get with you.

当然,我热爱阅读,我每时每刻都在阅读。Sure I love to read. I read all the time.

她可以每时每刻到王的跟前。May she not go in unto her King at every hour?

所以要调息,并享受生命的每时每刻。So breathe. And enjoy each moment of this life.

每件产品每时每刻都要与看板相伴。A Kanban should accompany each item, every time.

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应该每时每刻都考虑到应用程序的设置。Always consider designing the application settings.

另外,每时每刻都有新信息公布于众。And more information is being released all the time.

它是日进日出、每时每刻地做事。It's the day-in, day-out, moment by moment doing it.

我们每时每刻都在编织着自己的人生故事。We’re creating the story of our life in each moment.

你每天都要早早开始工作,每时每刻都要紧张地奔忙。You start early and move fast every moment each day.

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你们每时每刻都被神圣指引着。You are all being Divinely guided within each moment.

可惜的是,风不可能每时每刻都在吹。But, unfortunately, the wind does not blow all the time.

仅仅是去买那些每时每刻都可能被偷的花。Only to get the flowers stolen almost every single time.

我每时每刻梦见你,你就是我内心深处的迷墙。And I dream about you all the time, You're my wonderwall.

在它体内,在它生命的每时每刻,蕴蓄着全部潜能。Within it, at all times, it contains its whole potential.

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在它生命的每时每刻,体内都蕴藏着巨大的潜能。Within it, at all times, iy contains its whole potential.

女亽需要伱每时每刻旳注意,乜许会累点。Women need your attention every moment, and perhaps will be tired.

但是每个人都喜欢水晶,迈巴赫,钻石,每时每刻都喜爱着。But everybody's like cristal, maybach, diamonds on your time piece.