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三个海盆都被1900米的等深线所圈闭。All three basins are enclosed by the 1900m depth contour.

三个海盆都被1900米的等深线所圈闭。All three basins are enclosed by the 1900 m depth contour.

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太平洋西缘分布着一系列边缘海盆。There exist a series of marginal basins in the Western Pacific.

这项技术已应用于中国南海莺歌海盆地。This technique has been applied to some wells in south China sea.

凹地,海盆在陆地或海底平面的一种大的,碗状的凹地。A large, bowl-shaped depression in the surface of the land or ocean floor.

海盆区粘土沉积物中的放射虫化石丰度高且分异度高。The abundance and diversity of radiolaria fossils are high in the clay of basin.

莺歌海盆地发育于红河断裂带海上延伸带上。The Yinggehai basin developed on the seaward elongation of the Red River Fault Zone.

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利用声纳浮标资料,得到了南海西南次海盆地壳的速度结构。The sonobuoy data were used to analyze the velocity structure of the crust in SW Subbasin.

莺歌海盆地为前第三系基底上发育的断坳转换伸展盆地。Yinggehai Basin is a faultdepressed basin developed on the basement of PreTertiary System.

这种所谓的“外来”能源事实上并非是外来的,它是能量由海盆尺度到小尺度串级的结果。In fact, this "external" energy is the result of a cascade of energy from basin-scale to small scale.

海岭、海台呈块状分布在海盆之上,长垣分布在菲律宾海沟的东侧。Some uplifts developed at the bottom and long hills developed at the east side of the Philippine Trench.

东海陆架盆地是位于中国大陆东部边缘大陆地壳之上的边缘海盆地。The East China Sea Shelf Basin is a marginal sea basin located on Continental crust of China eastern margin.

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莺歌海盆地中央坳陷泥底辟带是一个热流体非常活跃的地区。There are extraordinary active thermal fluids in the mud diapir zone of central depression in Yinggehai basin.

西南次海盆也是一个高地热异常区,虽然该次海盆形成较早,但与年轻的构造拉张有关。The southwest subbasin is another thermal anomalous unit, which might be also related to the young tectonic extension.

再往南,有较宽的楔形尼加拉瓜海隆,把海沟与哥伦比亚海盆分开,牙买加岛就在此海隆之上。Further south, there are a wide wedge of Nicaragua seamounts , the trench and Columbia basin to separate on this above.

通过插值切割法对其中东部次海盆和西南次海盆的磁异常进行分析。Using the interpolation cut method, the anomalies of the Eastern Sub basin and the Southwestern Sub basin are analysed.

莺歌海盆地由于具有流体幕式充注的特点,混有生物成因气。Some biogenetic gases exist in the natural gases of Yinggehai Basin due to the episodic injection of hydrocarbon fluids.

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南沙群岛万安盆地是位于南海西南海盆被动边缘上的张性沉积盆地。The Wanan Basin in Nansha area is a rifting basin located in the passive marin of the SW subbasin of the South China Sea.

白云凹陷的断裂活动和沉积演化史还受到南海海盆扩张活动的影响。The faulting and the sedimentary history of the Baiyun Sag were also influenced by spreading in the South China Sea Basin.

古地理再造表明,八布海盆的扩张脊可能连接西面哀牢山海的洋脊。The oceanic spreading ridge might link with that in Ailaoshan Sea to the west based on the palaeogeographic reconstruction.