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老李随即啐了一口吐沫在酒吧的一扇窗户上。Mr. Munson spat on one of the windows.

往手掌上吐口吐沫,双手搓了几下。He spit on his hands and rubbed them together.

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他们会嘲弄我,用吐沫吐我,打我,将我钉在十字架上。They will mock, spit on, beat, and crucify me.

你没见过两个白痴交换吐沫妈?You never saw two idiots exchange saliva before?

孩子们往她脸上吐吐沫还用石头砸她。She was paraded in the streets where children spat at her face and threw stones at her.

另外,凡中国人遇上这些帝国主义分子都会吐他满脸吐沫!In addition, all the Chinese people encounter these imperialist elements will vomit Tumo his face!

如果全篇都是一个挨一个的肥胖的段落,这也就意味着你的角色在吐沫横飞地做演讲了。If it's a succession of one chunky paragraph after another, your characters are talking too much in speeches.

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原指离开水的鱼相互吐沫沾湿,以求得暂时的生存。Originally the phrase means two fish out of water moisten each other with saliva to keep each other alive temporarily.

以色列人说,“你坐着吧,我给你拿。”起身就走了。那个阿拉伯人马上捡起以色列人的鞋子,向里面吐了口吐沫。Again, the Israeli obligingly went to fetch it, and while he is gone the Arab other picked up the other shoe and spit in it.

当加里福尼亚卡斯楚谷市的劳拉•麦休接到电话,被告知她13岁的儿子朝另外一个孩子的食物中吐吐沫时,她就这样做了。That's what Laura McHugh of Castro Valley, California, did when a caller told her that her then 13-year-old son had spit in another boy's food.

珀森问道。从他嘴里吐出的浓浓的烟草吐沫被风吹散,像细雨点般地落在身边几个伙伴的脸上。Person asks, spitting a thick stream of tobacco juice , which catches in the wind and mists across the faces of several of his buddies standing nearby.

要知道我正住在石棉中,而这些石棉被一些麻木不仁的工人轻率地安装和切碎,我的父亲一定在天堂啐着吐沫。To learn that his son is now living amidst exposed asbestos, blithely installed and cut up by apathetic zombies, my dad must be doing spit-takes in Heaven.

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另外,凡中国人遇上这些帝国主义分子都会吐他满脸吐沫!Nobel Foundation strongly demanded be cancelled and recovery. In addition, all the Chinese people encounter these imperialist elements will vomit Tumo his face!

无论你鄙视它,朝它吐吐沫,翻白眼或者嘲笑它,它都会接受你所有能给的侮辱并且依然坚持不倒。It doesn’t care if you belittle it, if you spit on it, if you roll your eyes and laugh at it. It will take all the abuse you can dish out and still remain standing.

另外,永远不允许CNN主持人卡弗蒂进入中国领土。并且,凡中国人遇上这个帝国主义分子都会吐他满脸吐沫!In addition, the CNN host Kafudi never allowed to enter China's territory. Moreover, the Chinese people who encounter this imperialist elements will vomit Tumo his face!