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不能如此傲慢地对待盟友。Allies can be treated so cavalierly.

Mutko是阿布亲密的盟友。Mutko was a close ally of Abramovich.

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母巢饥饿。没有盟友。只有食物。The hive hungers. No allies. Only food.

这也给美国的盟友带来了一些问题。That brings in the issue of America’s allies.

除元素生物外,这个佣兵团不会有任何盟友。It does not have any allies, except Elementals.

盟友和傀儡之间是有区别的。There is a difference between ally and stooges.

它对美国和美国的盟友怀着刻骨仇恨。It has a deep hatred of America and our friends.

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在反恐战争当中它一直是坚定的盟友。It has been a staunch ally in the War on Terror.

变异人现在相信我们是盟友了,利用他们。The Mutants believe we are an ally now, use them.

巴基斯坦害怕被印度及其盟友包围。Pakistan fears encirclement by India and its ally.

而且,没有一个我们的亚洲盟友想要中国在各地区称霸。And none of our Asian allies want a dominant China.

美国的两个重要盟友,以色列和土耳其正闹得不开交。ISRAEL and Turkey, key American allies, are clashing.

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材料和著色剂的价格都是公开的盟友。Material and colorant prices are public ally available.

这意味着可能与她的新盟友自由民主党发生冲突。That could mean conflict with her new partner, the FDP.

他们的盟友几乎都不在狼人一族之中。Their allies almost always lie outside the Garou Nation.

它们往往被忽视,但往往是你最好的“盟友”。They often get overlooked, but they can be your best ally.

我们就是敌人,就像我们是自己唯一的盟友一样!We are the enemy, just as we have only ourselves as allies.

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中国人不会寻找盟友,而是寻找傀儡。Chinese dont look for allies, instead they look for stooges.

而且此外我们有两个得力的盟友——郎姆酒和气候。And besides that, we had two able allies--rum and the climate.

他带来了他所有的盟友,300名武装分在所有的国王。He brings all his allies with him, 300 armed sub-kings in all.