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单眼弱视的最终结果是什么?What is the final result of monocular amblyopia?

它是不可能的治疗弱视后,这个年龄层。It is not possible to treat amblyopia after this age.

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斜视和弱视是脑瘫儿童最常见的眼部疾病。Strabismus and amblyopia were the commonest eye diseases.

什么是弱视?能通过光学镜片来校正吗?What is weak sight and how can these be optically corrected?

他们的尖耳朵听觉敏锐,弥补了小眼睛弱视的缺陷。Sensitive pointed ears compensate for their small, weak eyes.

眼睛问题。先天性弱视。远视加散光。Eye problem. Congenital amblyopia. Long sight adds astigmatism.

目的探讨单眼弱视的临床特点。Objective To discuss the clinical characteristic of one-eye amblyopia.

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视觉发育敏感期是弱视发生的危险期,也是逆转弱视的最佳时机。The sensitive period of visual development is a critical period for amblyopia.

目的探讨弱视儿童训练致眼外伤的原因及预防。Objective To investigate the cause of eye trauma in amblyopic children training.

李每天让一个弱视的学生带他去学校的食堂。LI asks a student with weak sight to take him to the school's dining hall every day.

结果弱视儿童组的双眼总和低于正常组。Results The VEPBS of amblyopia children is lower than that of normal children group.

治疗弱视的视网膜植入现在被发展为仿生眼。Retinal implants that help the partially sighted are being developed as bionic eyes.

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目的探讨儿童远视性弱视的临床治疗及疗效。Objective To discuss the treatment and the result of children's farsighted amblyopia.

弱视和斜视的疗效及立体视的建立与治疗年龄密切相关。The efficacy of treatment of amblyopic and strabismus are closely related to the age.

手术放大镜系列、弱视治疗机系列、阶梯三棱镜、工业窥镜系列。Surgery magnifier series, weak sight treatment machine series, ladder triangular prism.

弱视是小儿视觉发育敏感期常见的视觉紊乱。Amblyopia was the common ocular disorder in children visual development sensitive period.

结论弱视程度与屈光参差程度有关,与屈光参差类型无关。Conclusion The extent of amblyopia is related to extent of anisometropia but not its type.

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这可能是较差的或不完整的家庭弱视治疗依从性的原因。The reason for this might be poor or incomplete compliance with amblyopia treatment at home.

我儿子的眼睛是弱视加斜视,做手术的效果会好吗?The eye of my son is amblyopia adds strabismus, is the result that becomes an operation good?

此类服务包括物理和职业治疗、言语病理学以及弱视培训。Services include physical and occupational therapy, speech pathology, and low-vision training.