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教导他们要自重。Teach them self-esteem.

还是那句话,请自重!Asks you to be self-possessed!

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女人像男人自重。Women like men who respect themselves.

该怎么教导孩子们自重呢?How do you teach your kids self-esteem?

她一定是一个自重的女孩子。She must be a very self-respecting girl.

自重的人不会作出那样的事。No C. self-respecting man could do such a thing.

任何一个自尊自重的人都不愿意终生在时尚圈里混。No self-respecting person would be caught dead in.

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第一步就是要学会自重。The first step to being responsible is self-respect.

他将再度返回,从小麦杂草的自重。He will return again to weed the tares from the wheat.

由钢索自重引起的垂度是竖向的。The cable sag caused by cable dead weight is vertical.

我讨厌非主流!所以,某些朋友自重!I hate non-mainstream! So, please some friends themselves!

不自重是暴力产生的和危险来源。Low self-esteem is a powerful and dangerous cause of violence.

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全新优化设计,高强度,耐用,自重轻。New optimization design, high strength, wear well, light weight.

您的友善依然可以建立在自信和自重的基础上。You can be nice and still be assertive or stand up for yourself.

受了这样一顿含沙射影的指责之后还闲坐在家里,这也太不自重了。It was too cheap to sit around after such an insinuation as this.

它能体现你人格上的自尊、自重和自爱吗?It reflects your personality, self-esteem, dignity and self-respect?

自己不自重,又怎能受到别人的尊重呢?If you don't respect yourself, how can you expect others to respect you?

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男人从一英里外就能嗅到不自重的女人。A man can smell, from a mile away, a woman who is lacking in self-respect.

在目前情况下,没有哪位自重的审计师会在八国集团的帐册上签字的。As things stand, no self-respecting auditor would sign off the G8's books.

最后本文还对成桥后拉索的自重垂度对索力的影响进行了分析。The effect of droops affections on cable forces was researched by the end.