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你好,高教出版社。Hello. Higher Education Press.

降低高教自考的教育成本。Fourthly, to reduce the education cost.

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“量大”、“质优”是高教强省的主要特征。Its characteristics lie in large quantity" and fine quality".

应审时度势,积极构建一个更为有效的高教评估组织体系。We need to establish a more effective educational evaluation system.

一个激进的社会批评家变成了高教会派的反动分子。A radical critic of society has turned into a High-Church reactionary.

在高等学校布局方面,西安、兰州、迪化成为西北地区高教中心。Xi'an, Lanzhou and Dihua became the center of higher education in northwest area.

最后是案例研究,即西安外事学院高教产业化的实证分析。Finally, the successful operation of Xi"an International University is taken as a case and analyzed."

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人本化思想渐成高教办学思想的重要内容。The people-oriented philosophy is becoming important content of the schooling idea in higher education.

最后,对吉林省发展高教服务产业提出了对策建议。Lastly certain countermeasures to the development of higher education service industry in Jilin Province are proposed.

知识经济时代,创新教育成为高教改革发展的主题。The innovation-oriented education becomes the theme of the reform and development of higher education at knowledge age.

叙述了计算高教机训练效能的作战分析法和其他模块。The operation analysis for calculating training efficiency of an advanced trainer aircraft and other modules are described.

通过分析,揭示我国在经济转型的背景下,高教自考生源结构所发生的种种变化。This paper is to analyzes the changes of recruitment structure of self-study students under the influence of economic change.

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认证组织必须既被联邦政府承认也被高教认证委员会承认。Accrediating organizations must be recognized by either the federal government or the Council of Higher Education Accrediation.

鉴于美国高教体系的规模和竞争力,你也许指望它能自己纠正错误。Given the size and competitiveness of America's higher-education system, you might expect these problems to be self-correcting.

迎接挑战,服务三农,稳步发展高教自考。Receive Challenge, Serve "Agriculture, Countryside and Peasant", Develop the Self-study Examination of High Education Steadily.

解放后,曾在公安外事部门工作,后又在高教部门任职。After liberation, he worked firstly in Foreign Affairs of Shanghai Public-Security Bureau, and then worked in educational field.

对于泛美来讲很重要的一天,大家期盼已久的空中国王高教机终于飞回来了!Today is PanAm's big day, A King air which is more than 30 years old finally arrived here as high perfermance training aircraft.

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温州市汇众服饰有限公司坐落在风景秀丽的浙江温州高教园区茶山镇。Wenzhou Huizhong Clothing Co. , LTD, locating in the scenic city of Chashan Higher Education Zone in Wenzhou, Zhejiang province.

随着高教大众化的迅速发展,新建本科院校的专业建设成为一个薄弱环节。With the fast development of the popularization of higher education, specialty construction is a weak link in new-built universities.

因此,高等专科教育大力培养高素质的中等专业技术人才,已成为我国目前高教发展改革的当务之急。So it becomes an urgent task to develop higher education to cultivate high-quality secondary professional technical personnel in China.