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但如果我要被害,我想至少死在我的小村庄里。I'd like at least to die in my village.

被害粮粒常蛀成孔洞。Food grain was often decayed into holes.

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我们已经有三名护林员在湖里被害了。Three of mine have been killed in the lake.

邝先生被害,孙六被杀,麻稳稳失踪。Mr Kwong, Samson killed six, hemp firmly missing.

被害的人是缠着他的凶手的。The murdered do haunt their murderers, I believe.

而从一个极端到另一个极端,我们的手是被害惨了。From one extreme to another our hands get beat up.

在此同时,高翔接手了一桩牛郎被害的案件。Cowherd took a pile at the same time, in the murder case.

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但如果我要被害,我想至少死在我的小村庄里。If l'm to be murdered, I'd like at least to die in my village.

第类,高虫口密度、高被害株率、中拥挤度。High insect density, high attacked trees rate, middle crowded degree.

在整个国家公园内,被害的护林员已经超过了20人。If you consider the whole area, more than 20 rangers have been killed.

有时是偷猎者被杀死,也有巡防队员被害的情况发生。Sometimes poachers are killed and occasionally scouts have been killed.

革达里雅被害后第二天,人尚一无所知。And on the second day after he had killed Godolias, no man yet knowing it.

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作为出卖耶稣而使其被害的叛徒,犹大在历史上一直背负著骂名。Judas is reviled in history as the disciple who betrayed Jesus to his death.

小孩已在车祸中被害,其母亲尚不知真相。The boy whose mother didn’t know the truth had been killed in a road accident.

2009年2月11日,27位伊拉克市民在城市附近的袭击中被害。Twenty-seven Iraqis were killed in attacks across the country on Feb. 11, 2009.

伊拉克政权一声令下,数千名伊拉克库尔德族公民被害身亡。With that single order, the regime killed thousands of Iraq's Kurdish citizens.

就此为止,另外四个在48个被害妇女中的尸体才真正被找到。The bodies of four of the 48 women Ridgway admitted killing have yet to be found.

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试验用三种化学药剂涤抹桦木被害部位观察防腐效果。Using three chemicals to paint blotch infected fungi, then observed control effect.

就在被害前的几个小时,他还在一条消息的末尾署下“你永远的王子”。Hours before she was killed, he ended a message with the words “Your prince forever.

被害的妇女中有一个叫库马瑞·布哈,她是妇女革命阵线的成员。Among the women, there was Kumari Budha, a member of the women's revolutionary front.