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语重心长的命令,蕴藏巨大的力量。There is great force hidden in a sweet command.

他语重心长,但年轻的听众却没有领会。His profundities were lost on the young audience.

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基督最后仍语重心长地给予别迦摩信徒三个宝贵的应许。In closing Christ gave three wonderful promises to the Pergamos church.

多年来,耀邦同志这几句语重心长的话经常在我耳旁回响。Years later, Yaobang's gravely earnest words often still echo in my ears.

我很少听到爸爸如此语重心长地跟我谈事情,更不用说是为了拉手风琴的事。I had rarely heard Dad speak with such feeling about anything, much less the accordion.

书记语重心长地说,我们应该全心全意为人民服务。The secretary said, pleasantly but sternly, that we should serve the people heart and soul.

被困在砍木场的陆梅,语重心长挽劝白海,获得的倒是严寒的回应。Trapped in the logging field Liu Mei, mingle wan advised the white sea, gets cold response.

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这一天,两人偶尔聊起了杜邦先生的夫人,杜邦先生显得有些语重心长起来。One day, they happened to talk about Mr. Dupont's wife, Mr. Dupont became sincere and earnest. Mrs.

张妈妈将张和平带到一个房间后,语重心长的表示一定要帮助张和平向陈妍表白。After a mother brought ZhangHePing to a room, earnest of say must help ZhangHePing to ChenYan expression.

盖茨先生在一次讲话中,语重心长地讲了他的十条忠告,相信会对大家有所启发。Gates, in a speech, his sincere words and earnest wishes of the 10 warnings, I believe we will be inspired.

“但是你也许可以和其他人年轻人一样。”他的母亲责备他道,然而却是语重心长的。"But you might mingle with other young people, " his mother reproved him, but felt a kindness in her heart.

我试着语重心长告诉Rob,每个人在拉斯维加斯都会遇到认为他有演员天赋的女朋友。I tried to be patient, but mostly I told Rob that everyone in LA has a girlfriend who thinks he has acting talent.

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他们的谆谆教导,语重心长,甚至孜孜不倦地为你树立起人生正确的航行。Their sincere words and earnest wishes even their perseverences are good for you to set up the right sailing of life.

与印度少年跳舞之后,米歇尔还不忘语重心长地“提及教育的重要性”,她说她从小就是一个穷孩子,从未想过有一天能入住白宫还扮演第一夫人的角色,所有的幸运都与她的努力读书有关。After dancing, she spoke to the children about the importance of an education. 'I didn't grow up with a lot of money,' Mrs. Obama said.

王长生在最后时刻语重心长地告诫洪少余,不要随便乱用不属于自己的力量。Wang Changsheng told Hong Shaoyu sincere words and earnest wishes at the last moment, don't mess with the power does not belong to you.

医生在详细了解了张连成的情况之后,语重心长的告诉他说,远红外线并非对人人都有益处。After doctors learn more about the situation of Zhang Liancheng, earnestly told him that, far infrared Ray is not a benefit to everyone.

语重心长,担心不已!令我愧疚,内心充满负罪感。离婚四年,我成了长辈们眼中的怪人,朋友们眼中的傻瓜。Earnest, very worried, Let me guilty, filled with guilt, Divorce four years, eldership thought I was strange, my friends thought I was a fool.

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琼花违反纪律,打乱了作战部署,洪常青对她进行语重心长的劝导。Qionghua has compromised the operation plan because of her violation of the discipline. Hong Changqing gives her serious yet sincere persuasions.

采访结束时,蒋先生和98同志语重心长地说,教育女同志的任务任重而道远啊!Interview be over, Mr. Jiang3 with 98 comrade language center of gravity longly say, education the female comrade's mission term heavy but way far!

我不吱声了。我很少听到爸爸如此语重心长地跟我谈事情,更不用说是为了拉手风琴的事。从那以后,我练琴再也不用父母盯着。I was speechless. I had rarely heard Dad speak with such feeling about anything, much less the accordion. From then on, I practiced without my parents' making me.