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他们奋发图强为了谁?They make efforts to who?

那将激励你奋发图强还是让你变得消极厌世呢?Did it motivate or demotivate you?

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这是罗斯和伍兹的共同之处,他们都是奋发图强的人的儿子。It is something that Rose and Woods have in common.

碌碌无为是庸人所为,奋发图强是智者之举。As for the wave is mediocre, and hard work is wise move.

我们这样做是为了提醒人们,请奋发图强!And in doing that, we're saying to people, 'Please stand up!

年轻力壮的时候不奋发图强,到了老年,悲伤也没用了。If one does not exert oneself in youth, one will regret it in old age.

展望未来,勇往直前,奋发图强,最终得以“啄石成玉”。Looking ahead, going ahead, working hard, finally "make the stone to be jade."

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要奋发图强,把我军的军政素质提高到一个新的水平。We must work hard to raise to a new level the military and political quality of our army.

要奋发图强,把我军的军政素质提高到了一个新的水平。We must work hard to raise to a new height the military and political quality of our army.

就是在这样的环境中,老师没有一点怨言,而海伦更是力求上进、奋发图强。It was in this environment, the teacher without complaint, but Helen is their best, work hard.

他白手起家,通过努力工作,奋发图强,最终得到荣华富贵。Somebody starts out poor and makes his way through hard work and dedication and effort to riches and success.

素梅上前对奕茹说,最近老板怪怪的,最近非常奋发图强。Meat may come forward to chess match shavings said, recently the boss strange, recently very strive to be strong.

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作为新世纪的青少年,我们应把爱国之情化为报国之举,着眼未来,立足现在,努力学习,奋发图强。As the new century teenagers, we should put passion into action, enjoy the present, focus on the future, and study hard.

父亲失去了工作,从现在起我们必须要勒紧腰带度日了,但家人不会向命运低头,我们会奋发图强。My father lost his job. From now on we have to tighten our belts. But our families will not lower our head to fate. We'll pull up our socks.

百年来,为了摆脱半殖民地半封建的历史境遇,中国人民进行了艰苦卓绝、奋发图强的斗争。In the past one hundred years or so, the Chinese people have waged arduous struggles to get rid of the sufferings under semi-colonial and semi-feudal rule.

大力推进城市化的过程,也是大力培育城市精神,用城市精神引领人民群众奋发图强的过程。The process of urbanization promotion is also the process of city spirit cultivation and the process of leading city people working hard for the prosperity.

爵士仍旧强韧,马刺依然“老奸巨猾”——季后赛经验丰富的老悍将,联盟最年轻的队伍开拓者队也摩拳擦掌意欲奋发图强。Utah will again be scrappy , San Antonio will again be a bunch of playoff-tested veterans, and up-and-coming Portland is one of the league's youngest teams.

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当然了我周围有如此多的强人,我还是会从他们那里得到启示的,所以要无视这些是不对滴,但我总是会自己奋发图强。Of course there are so many great people out there you could get inspired from so it's difficult to shorten it down but I've always been quite driven myself.

奥运会就要来了,每一位中国人应该积极准备,作为新一代青年我们应该奋发图强,努力学习英语,疯狂学英语。Olympic is coming, every Chinese should actively prepared, as a new generation of young people we should strive for, learning English, crazy to learn English.

以建设和发展马克思主义的自然哲学、科学哲学、技术哲学为研究目标,奋发图强,努力攀登。We should succeed and develop the natural dialectics and work hard at constructing Marxism natural philosophy and scientific philosophy and technique philosophy.