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做下人的就该这样规矩本分才是。Did a person of should so rules duty be.

那些衣着华丽的下人在哪里闲逛?Where lounged the richly groomed footmen?

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我不帮忙做家务的。我的机器下人做完了所有的家务。I don't help at home. My robots do all the housework.

我不喜欢做家务的。你可不可以给一个机器下人我啊?I don't like housework. Can I have one of your robots?

在不确定的情形下人的心理可能会有关闭的趋势。There can be a tendency to shut down in uncertain situations.

上帝告诉他们这些没有智慧的人是命中注定的下人。God told them the headless bodies were destined to be poor workers.

不久之后下人回来,告诉萧妃此事确实是真的。Shortly after understrapper come back, tell XiaoFei it really is true.

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什么样的称赞会比一个聪明的下人的称赞更来得宝贵呢?What praise is more valuable than the praise of an intelligent servant?

卡丁的母亲梅南夫人不希望儿子与下人的女儿交往。KaDing mother MeiNa lady don't want son and daughter of our communication.

屋外一个女下人向萧妃报告有三个官员参见萧妃。Outside a female servant to XiaoFei report has three officials see XiaoFei.

在这里上至老板下至最低微的下人,都有很积极的态度。There is a positive attitude here, from the boss down to the lowliest menial.

玉奴在院子里不满自己的棉衣棉花少,跟下人吵架。Jade slave in the yard with his cotton-padded clothes cotton less, with our quarrel.

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你对下人是要坚定,但是你对她们要温和一些,尤其是对黑人。You must be firm with inferiors but you must be gentle with them, especially darkies.

全天下人平易近团结起来,打败美国侵犯者及其统统喽啰!People of the world, unite and defeat the U. S. aggressors and all their running dogs!

当人家把你的服事当作理所当然、支使你、把你当作下人看待时,你作何反应?How do you react when you're taken for granted, bossed around, or treated as an inferior?

何芷衡嘿然冷笑,知情的下人无一敢言语。He Zhi Heng's Hey however jeer at, know what happened of next person nobody dare discourse.

全天下人平易近要有勇气,敢于战斗,不怕坚苦,前赴后继。People of the world, be courageous, dare to fight, defy difficulties and advance wave upon wave.

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家里有下人,这些粗活你就不要做了,烫着怎么办?There is person in family, these heavy handbook labor don't you want to do and burned how to do?

萧妃跟一个女下人谈起了心里话,并且问对方可否知道杨广的踪迹。XiaoFei with a female servant talked about my mind, and ask each other can know YangGuang trace.

复仇女神从椅子上跳下来喊叫时,囚车已开始下人。As The Vengeance descends from her elevation to do it, thetumbrils begin to discharge their loads.