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我们目前的浴缸更是雪上加霜。Our current bathtubs are even worse. Kira said

结交快乐的朋友。整日愁眉不展只能让你雪上加霜。Keep only cheerful friends. The grouches pull you down.

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对于一个已陷于颓败情绪中的国度而言,这不啻雪上加霜。For a country already in a declinist mood, this was a blow.

这些冒领让依赖救援的希腊财政雪上加霜。The impersonator to rely on financial aid for Greece worse.

拆迁丰台区的这个村落只会雪上加霜。Demolishing the Fengtai settlement only adds insult to injury.

塞弗特团队的进一步研究更是雪上加霜。Further work by Seiffert's team appears to add insult to injury.

我还是要被折磨,现在还雪上加霜。I'm still going to be tortured and now we've added insult to injury.

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并且,雪上加霜的是,索爱成了Symbian的股东。And, adding to the sting, Sony Ericsson became a Symbian shareholder.

雪上加霜的是,连集数都从原来的22集缩减到了20集。鉴于惨淡的收视率,这也算不得什么太大的意外。What's more, the network has trimmed Betty's episode order from 22 to 20.

古巴和美国的糟糕关系因1962年的古巴导弹危机变得雪上加霜。Bad Cuban-American relations were made worse by the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis.

气候变化和极端天气现象更使情况雪上加霜。Climate change and extreme weather events will further complicate the picture.

这场暴力风波对不断紧张的医患关系来说是无疑是雪上加霜。This wave of violence underscores deepening strain in doctor-patient relations.

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雪上加霜的是,飓风不仅仅袭击了西方省的烟草作物。To add insult to injury, the storm did not just hit Pinar del Rio's tobacco crop.

雪上加霜的是,假如“伪9号”回撤,双中卫便显得多余。But worse, if the false nine drops deep, there are two centre-backs left redundant.

人们的一些陈旧观念使我国环境破坏雪上加霜。Some of the outdated ideas of the people make environmental destruction even worse.

巴塔查里亚分析,袭击事件在这种时机下发生,对印度经济来说可谓雪上加霜。Bata Acharya , the attack took place at the time that, on the India economy is worse.

鸿海的失误令一系列自杀事件引发的不良舆论雪上加霜。Hon Hai's missteps have worsened the bad publicity triggered by the suicide wave. Mr.

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巴塔查里亚分析,袭击事件在这种情况下发生,对印度经济来说可谓雪上加霜。Bata Acharya , the attack took place in such a case, the Indian economy is even worse.

粮油互推的基本状况将使国际大宗商品价格乱象雪上加霜。The basic situation of each grain will push commodity prices, international chaos worse.

先是地下室被水淹了,接着厨房的水管爆了,真真是雪上加霜。First, the basement flooded, and then , to add insult to injury , a pipe burst in kitchen.