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这是一架木琴。This is a xylophone.

木琴也很有趣。And so is the xylophone.

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但是木琴却是如此让人着迷。But the marimba was so intriguing.

这是木琴演奏的一段粒子碰撞的声音。That’s a proton collision played on marimba.

罗恩做第一架木琴花了一年多的时间。Ron's first marimba took over a year to build.

在那之前,他和“木琴一号”将会一直继续努力。Until then, he and Marimba One will keep on keeping on.

他做的木琴也总是越来越动听。His marimbas were sounding better and better all the time.

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当木琴的旋律响起,请与我共舞,让我摇摆起来。When marimba rhythms start to play, Dance with me, make me sway.

和桃花芯木琴体玫瑰木指板搭配效果相当好。Works especially well with mahogany bodies and rosewood fingerboards.

当时我在读大学,为了专职做木琴我辍了学。I was in college and I dropped out to pursue marimba-making full-time.

印度尼西亚,佳美兰乐队用锣、鼓和木琴演奏音乐。In indonesia , gamelan orchestras play music on gongs , drums , and xylophones.

类似木琴的表面形成了一条小路,围绕在展馆的四周。The xylophone-like surfaces frame a pathway that forms the pavilion's perimeter.

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在学校中,我教学生玩爵士乐的鼓,半球形铜鼓,木琴等等。In school, I teach students to play jazz drums, kettledrums, xylophone and so on.

木琴琴键的长度决定音阶的不同音调。The length of the bars of the xylophone determines the different notes of the scale.

没有教授木琴制作的学校,罗恩只有自己弄清制作程序。With no marimba-making schools out there, Ron had to figure out the process by himself.

这款手机的表面和外观设计得很有常见的十分好玩的木琴的感觉。The look and form of the phone is designed to resemble the playful nature of the xylophone.

来自香港,精通长笛短笛钢琴木琴演奏,音乐就是她的一切。From hong kong , to be accomplished in flute , piccolo , piano , xylophone . music is her all.

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代表木琴,它是一个乐器。或者你在弹吉他的时候也可以用到它。X is for a xenophon, it's an instrument you know, or you can use an X when you play take- tatoo.

今天的实验中,我们要利用家中随手可得的东西来制作一架「水瓶木琴」。In today's experiment you will make a water bottle xylophone using objects from around the house.

代表“木琴”,你所知道的一种乐器,或者当你演奏军乐时你需要用到一架木琴。X is for a xylophone. It's an instrument you know, or you can use an X when you play take-tattoo.