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该杂志被查获,戏剧性的美国的袭击。The journal was seized in the dramatic US raid.

没想到开张刚10天就被警方查获。Opened just did not expect the police seized 10 days.

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他在工作的地方偷钱被查获,就被解雇了。He was caught with his fingers in the till and dismissed.

我们查获枪支和炸弹,恐怖分子使用美工刀。We take away guns and bombs, the terrorists use box cutters.

这是拱北海关今年以来查获的最大宗旅客超带美元出境案。This has been this year's largest currency case involving US Dollars.

战犯终于被人从他在国外的藏匿处查获。The old war criminal is at last smoked out from his hiding place abroad.

上述“毒品投射器”就在靠近亚利桑那州的墨西哥境内被查获。" The "drug projector" in Mexico near the Arizona territory to be seized.

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图为关员在清点查获的走私进口汽车。The picture shows Customs officers checking up the cars smuggled into China.

次查获如此大量的食用油,近年来在全国海关都属罕见。It was the largest palm oil smuggling case in the history of Gongbei customs.

其中查获侵犯奥林匹克标志专有权商品11批次,侵犯奥标商品1489件。Of those goods, 11 shipments of 1489 items were counterfeit Olympic commodities.

目前,涉案4把自制土枪、1把管制刀具和2台涉案车辆已被查获。Police confiscated 4 home-made guns, 1 knife and 2 vehicles involved in the case.

有些被查获的象牙上还标有「横滨」字样,那是日本东京附近的一个港口城市。Several tusks in the seizure were marked with "Yokohama, " a port city near Tokyo.

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发送黄色短信被查获者,将封锁其手机的短信功能。Those caught sending yellow ones risked having their phone’s text function blocked.

警方说,昨晚他们查获了一把与此案有关联的上了膛的抢。Detectives said last night they had recovered a loaded firearm connected to the crime.

近来,有几艘携带有毒品、类似潜水艇型的船只在远海被警方查获。Several makeshift submarines toting drugs have been captured recently on the high seas.

布兰卡说,来自土耳其的一批杰克逊钥匙链不久前被查获。A shipment of Michael Jackson keychains from Turkey was seized recently, Mr. Branca said.

FDA还认为查获的睫毛增长液是一种掺假的化妆品。The FDA also considers the seized Age Intervention Eyelash to be an adulterated cosmetic.

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在某些国家,被查获的罚金甚至还比销售税便宜。In several other countries, penalties for getting caught are cheaper than paying sales tax.

此前巴拉圭警方查获到的最大批量毒品是753公斤,当时是1994年。Prior to the Paraguayan police seized the largest quantities of drugs are 753 kg, was 1994.

中国媒体报道,超过三吨穿山甲鳞片在上海口岸查获。Chinese media reported more than three tons of pangolin scales were seized at a Shanghai port.