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我的决定?My decision?

他说我是决定人。I'm the decider.

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我决定问问看。I decided to ask.

然后决定不这么做。Then decide not to.

它是一个决定的破坏者。It's a deal-breaker.

我们抽牌来决定谁发牌吧。Let's draw for deal.

避开任何决定。Eschew any decisions.

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这是他们的决定。It is their decision.

这是你的决定。This is your decision.

我决定做个实验。I decide to experiment.

现在决定为时过早。It's too early to tell.

必须由公众来决定。The public must decide.

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你们决定课堂内容。You control the agenda.

我决定再难了要干到底。I decided to soldier on.

我们抽牌来决定搭档吧。Let 's draw for partner?

但是我决定不去说谎。So we decide not to lie.

于是她决定辞职。So, she decided to quit.

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不急,您慢慢决定。Take your time deciding.

因此,我就决定来了丽江。This clinched it for me!

我们决定乘火车去。We chose to go by train.