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他总是大吹大擂他过去的记录。He always brage about his past record.

尽管他大吹大擂,但他还是个胆小鬼。With all his boasting, he is a coward.

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你和马德琳扬头侧脸,卖弄风情,大吹大擂。You and madeleine were tossing your heads, coquetting, bragging.

这种新式轿车被大吹大擂地介绍给了公众。The new sedan was introduced to the public with a lot of whoopla.

在一通大吹大擂中,他们宣布自己取得了突破。They announced, amid much ballyhoo, that they had made a breakthrough.

其结果是失去它大吹大擂的培养穿军装的企业家的能力。As a result, it’s losing its vaunted ability to cultivate entrepreneurs in uniform.

她有一份小小的财产,已经大吹大擂地捐给一个宗教团体了。She had a small property, which she bequeathed with much ostentation to a religious community.

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但是数据技术的小摊小贩们只是的拿网页毫无办法或者办法不多的得胜的故事大吹大擂。But data technology vendors also trumpet success stories that have little or nothing to do with the Web.

所以他赶早开展宣传为自己大吹大擂,尽力募集竞选资金并寻觅支持他的团体。Sohes out early beating the drums for himself, trying to raise campaign money and find groups to support him.

麦道夫低调的作风吸引了特定阶层的投资者,这阶层人对庞氏骗局那粗燥、以大吹大擂的方式推销商品的伎俩顶礼膜拜。His low-profile approach appealed to a class of investors who would have cringed at Ponzi’s crass hucksterism.

很大程度上靠大吹大擂鼓动起来的美国经济变得完全依靠简便的消费者贷款和并不稳定的抵押借款的增长。The much-ballyhooed US economy became entirely dependent for growth on easy consumer credit and shaky mortgages.

我认为你在学习上取得的进步是微不足道的,没有任何理由值得这样大吹大擂。I don't see any ground for you to crow your heads off like that when the achievement in your studies is negligible.

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然而最蹩脚的事件是,印度大吹大擂的民主轨制并不会聚力气反而在变得败落腐败。The worst news, though, is that India's vaunted democratic institutions may be decaying instead of gathering strength.

他没有不必要的场外话题纠缠,也不会大吹大擂、夸夸其谈,纽卡斯尔正需要这样的人。There are no unnecessary dramas with him, he's not a ranter or a raver and that is what Newcastle needs, " he explained.

这个直升机实际上是中国偷师而来却大吹大擂的技术之一。This Helicopter may in fact be one of the first few things the Chinese have bragged about that wasn't obviously just copied technology.

“他自己装的很伟大,但是我们都知道自信的人不像他那样大吹大擂,”Baker对雅各布斯说。“He pretended to be this great fellow, but we all know that confident people do not have to blow their horn like that,” Baker tells Jacobs.

但是在39个州一些甚至全部法官必须面对竞选和改选,这通常伴随着与法官身份不相称的大吹大擂。In America federal judges are as well. But in 39 states some or all judges must face election and re-election, often with unbecoming hoopla.

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这部设计来使质子光束相互碰撞以模仿宇宙大爆炸的机器,是在去年大吹大擂地启动的。The machine, which was designed to smash together beams of protons in a bid recreate conditions after the Big Bang, was launched with great fanfare last year.

那些空洞的口号当然一向是由学术界、教育界、舆论界以及意识形态领域的其它方面大吹大擂的,其目的是为了安抚国内民心。The idealistic slogans are, of course, to be constantly trumpeted by scholarship, the schools, the media, and the rest of the ideological system in order to pacify the domestic population.

有时真的会有一点感觉,他终将会变成妻管严,全然不像一个德国大吹大擂的“历史上最伟大的军阀”那样的归宿。Indeed there is a slight sense that he might one day have wound up something as a hen-pecked husband, an unlikely fate for the man German propaganda was hailing “the Greatest Warlord of All Time.”