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有木兰月染的银白。The silver of moon-touched magnolias.

银白,黑,仿金,红,蓝等。Silvery white black, golden, red, blue etc.

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那一团模糊的银白星云就是银河系的所在了。A faint silvery vapour stood for the Milky Way.

当天空弥漫着这些银白的飞花。When these white flowers flying all over the sky.

起身吧!银白十字军!攻击的时刻即将到来!Rise up, Argent Crusaders! The hour of justice has come!

野地上银白一片,远处围绕着暗绿色的常绿树木。The field is white and the wooded edges dark with evergreen.

梦中的风光比银白海洋旁边绯红的宝塔更加旖旎艳丽。A dream is more romantic than scarlet pagodas by a silver sea.

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好一个银白世界,多么雄伟壮观!Look! What a spotless silvery world, how great, how magnificent!

我知道有着玉色脸孔银白发丝的男人并不一定是天使。I know an inory-faced and silvery-haired man is unlikely an angel.

刚头通常没有粉色的条带,取而代之的是镀铬色的银白。Steelhead usually lack the pink stripe and have chrome-colored sides.

当我穿着滑雪鞋在银白的地毯上飞舞时,感觉太棒了。It feels so fantastic when I fly in my skiing shoes in the carpet of white.

海水略呈暗绿色,风不大,水面上荡漾着一朵朵银白的浪花。The water slightly dark green, little wind, water waves with a silver spray.

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月光灰白,将有雨来,月光泛红,将要刮风,月光银白,无雨无雪。Pale moon does rain, red moon does blow, white moon does neither rain nor snow.

水面上太阳光反射让水面呈现出银白蓝色。Sunlight reflecting off the water’s surface gives it a pale, silvery blue color.

汉娜一头银白的头发,脸上带着和蔼慈祥的笑容,眼睛里闪烁着光辉。She was a sweet, silver-haired oldtimer with a warm smile and a twinkle in her eye.

他困倦地望着银白和灰暗的雪花在街灯映照下纷然倒坠。He watched sleepily the flakes, silver and dark, falling obliquely against the lamplight.

她的面部已经起了皱纹,她的鬓发已经银白了,有几个呀齿也开始动摇了。Her face is wrinkled, her hair becomes silver white, and some of her teeth become movable.

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奥运圣火是反映成银白镶着清辉的浪,汹涌着热血的激情。Austria Win a silver torch is a reflection of the waves and top Qinghui, a blood surging passion.

冬天,鹅毛般的大雪从天空中落下来,周围一片银白,仿佛进入了童话世界。In winter, like snow falling from the sky, around a silvery white, as if into a fairy tale world.

纽马克现年54岁,是个整洁又体格健壮的人。她有一头银白的短发,经常配戴各种时髦的眼镜。Neumark is 54 years old, trim and strong, with short gray hair and an assortment of funky glasses.