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黑根对这一评语感到很诧异。Hagen wondered at this remark.

你的评语真是恰到好处。Your comments are on the nose.

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是你在江湖上的评语。That is their unanimous comment on me.

人们同样可以按主题搜索他的草书评语。One can also search his scribblings by subject.

这是欧文对奥利弗·戈德史密斯的评语。This is Irving's appraisal of Oliver Goldsmith.

对中等生的作业要慎重评价,在评语中要多督促。例如。What good work! You are the pride of our class.

德克唱片公司,拒绝披头士的评语,1962。Decca Recording Co. , rejecting the Beatles, 1962

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你也不太可能会有受伤或者挨饿的风险,最多不过是得到一个有点严厉的评语而已。You probably won't even risk injury or go hungry.

阅读20维珍移动评语现收现付,使一个很好的协议。Read 20 reviews Virgin Mobile PAYG, so a good deal.

功能列表是为了给下载站和杂志评语的。Feature lists are for software sites and magazine reviews.

哈看我之前的评语,我再翻看了不能等第2集!Ha look at my previous comment i rewatch cant wait for ep 2 !

那演说者不时插入一些机智的评语。Every now and then the speaker interjected some witty remarks.

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留言簿上记着许多动人的评语。Many moving comments have been recorded in the visitors' book.

正是这些评语使我惊诧不已。The comments are overwhelmingly disapprovals to my conclusion.

现在请看耶稣对撒狄信徒的评语。Now read Jesus' report card to this group of believers in Sardis.

也谢谢这么多网友对这件事的支持和评语。谢谢你!Also, I'd like to thk you all for your support and comments, THKS!

艾森豪威尔最喜欢的评语似乎是“不惜一切代价”。Eisenhowers' favorite comment seemed to be "do whatever it takes".

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如果客户评语要求的话,要在叉顶打枣。It may be bar tacking on top of slit if buyer's comment requested.

“莫名其妙!”是你在江湖上一致的评语。"it is absurd" are the words you might incur in the literary world.

博览会留言簿上的评语绝大多数是好评。Comments logged in the fair's guest book are overwhelmingly positive.