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她在伦敦南部的奇姆综合中学教法语。She taught French at Cheam Comprehensive in South London.

我总觉得这种教法有点奇怪。This always struck me as a strange approach to argumentation.

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就这样贡嘎宁布忆起了很多他已忘记的教法。In this way Kunga Nyingpo remembered a lot of what he had forgotten.

它也追求利益最大化但服从教法限制。It also aims at maximizing profit but subject to Shariah restrictions.

示范法是武术教学中最常用的一种生动、具体的直观教法。Demostration method is an often used lively and concrete direct method.

为利益前者,尊者传授了“金刚语”的教法。For the benefit of Krishnapa, he gave the teaching known as "Vajra Words."

可是,很多人都被这种教法影响,他们相信这就是佛的智慧。Yet people have been tricked into believing that this is the Buddha's Prajna.

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这一主题思想,在范泰尔的预设前提式护教法的实践中是极其突显的。This theme is predominant in Van Til's practice of presuppositional apologetics.

如果阿富汗的那群人想在伊斯兰教法下生活,那就让他们那样活着。If a bunch of people in Afghanistan want to live under Sharia Law, then let them.

这个极短的教法涵盖了全部三藏教法与金刚乘的精华。This very short teaching contains the essence of all the Tripitaka and Vajrayana.

假如文殊菩萨传授的这个教法不合逻辑。Now if the teaching that was taught by the Manjushri does not make a logical sense.

我们在这里听闻这些教法,是否真的是为了证悟?Are we here are we here for are we here to listen to these teachings for the enlightenment?

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我可以跟你谈一下苏苏帐户,或者你愿意听听关于兼容于教法的借贷形式吗?May I interest you in a susu account or would you like to hear about Sharia-compliant lending?

借鉴名家作品的命题,由一窍之得而成为长期策略,是写作教法的一条有效经验。The use of the subjects selected by famous writers is an effective way of writing compositions.

伊斯兰作用于公共生活的关键是伊斯兰教法及其加诸于穆斯林身上的不合理要求。Key to Islam's role in public life is Sharia and the many untenable demands it makes on Muslims.

这种整合将会在伊斯兰教法戒律中做出选择并使伊斯兰与现代观念兼容。This synthesis would choose among Shari precepts and render Islam compatible with modern values.

允许伊斯兰教教法在斯瓦特地区强迫实施,3月18日,伊斯兰宗教法庭开始审理案件。It allows for the imposition of sharia in Swat, and on March 18, sharia courts began hearing cases.

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该组织当前正计划成立一个中心用于在虚拟世界进行演讲和召开教法会议。The organization is currently planning a center for lectures and fatwa sessions in the virtual world.

灵鹫山是佛陀二转法轮开示大乘教法之处,身为大乘佛教徒是一定要来的。This is where Shakyamuni disclosed the Mahayana teachings so it is a must-see for Mahayana Buddhists.

而在诗学的教法力量上,苏格拉底建议在原位置入哲学。And in place of the pedagogical power of poetry, Socrates proposes to install philosophy in its place.