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这里的人都是毒蛇猛兽!This is a whole other animal.

他跳进一口井里面,想躲过猛兽的追捕。He jumps into a well to avoid being caught.

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对他们来说,龙是一种狰狞的猛兽。For them, the dragon is an aggressive monster.

安切洛蒂2010年带领的球队就是一头“多头猛兽”。Ancelotti’s class of 2010 is a many-headed beast.

一般而言,龙是一种邪恶而可怖的猛兽。It is generally speaking a feared and evil beast.

其中鸸鹋代万和澳洲鹤布拉咖这样的两头巨型猛兽。Dinewan the EmuBralagah the Brolga were two such animals.

我喜欢那句“被当做会让我们分心的猛兽。”I love that phrasing. "Regarded as devils to distract us."

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几乎没时间了,麦迪扯开防守像头猛兽。Seconds left , they bring it up , T-Mac rips like an animal.

其中鸸鹋代万和澳洲鹤布拉咖就是这样的两头巨型猛兽。Dinewan the Emu and Bralagah the Brolga were two such animals.

班那哈罗是猛兽狂怒的极致化身。Banehallow is an avatar of bestial fury created by the scourge.

在他的巅峰霍华德攻防两端都是头猛兽。Howard was a monster on both ends of the floor during his prime.

与猛兽斗争需要十足的注意力,一招下错,满盘皆输,性命不保。Fighting required complete concentration, one mistake and he was dead.

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这种猛兽能发出一种奇怪的水声波尖叫,震晕猎物。The beast can release a bizarre hydrosonic shriek that stuns its prey.

他说,有一位旅人在穿越平原的时候被一只“发怒”的猛兽追击。A traveller, he told, runs across a plain chased by an "enraged" beast.

警方称将重点调查这对父子如何顺利进入了猛兽区。They will also investigate on how the victims entered the forbidden zone.

人类最初设门,只是为了防止爬虫猛兽的侵害。Gating the first human, but in order to prevent violation of reptiles beast.

莫丝狠狠地盯了他一眼,这一眼里有毒蛇猛兽,有雷鸣电闪,但她却什么也没说。Moth shot him a glare that had vipers and lightning in it, but she said nothing.

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猛兽把孩子们逼进了一个树洞,迪吉一家又一次赶来相救,用长矛杀死了豚狼。They were rescued by Deej's family again, who killed the borra with their spears.

毕竟说,性经验不多的男人就像关在笼子里等待放出来的猛兽。After all, inexperienced men are just animals waiting to be let out of their cages.

在中世纪后阶段,英格兰的熊都是作为猛兽运动⑤的主角从外国进口的。In latter parts of the Middle Ages, the bears were imported into England for sport.