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“可是我在乎,”她的表弟说,颤栗着。But I do,' said her cousin, shuddering.

抓住它,感受它,颤栗而轻柔。Grasp it, sense it, tremulous and tender.

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我颤栗地想着,下一步会发生什么?I shudder to think what might have happened.

进来看我的内心吧,亲一爱一的朋友,你应颤栗。Look in my heart, kind friends, and tremble.

我曾眼见自身的伟大时刻如叶颤栗。I have seen the moment of my greatness flicker.

我看到这景象时,感受到的就是这种程度的颤栗。And I felt just this tremble when I saw this scene.

我会突然而不自主地感到自己在颤栗。I shall feel myself shudder, suddenly and unawares.

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我熄灭了灯,返回到床上,心里颤栗不安。I put out the light and returned to bed, palsied with fear.

那段时间,销售员面临是一个令人颤栗的冬天。At that moment, sales person was facing to a shivery winter.

因悲伤而颤栗着,我永远无法忘记那一刻。Shaking with my own sorrow, I will never forget that moment.

他从悬崖跃下时,恐怖的颤栗掠过了全身。A shiver of fright ran through them as he dove from the cliff.

我们细心地完美着轨范,我们俩都被这个念头骇得颤栗。We have worked it out carefully and are both thrilled by the idea.

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且同时伴随着颤栗,麻痹,组织死亡等。It is accompanied with possible shock, paralysis, and tissue death.

神秘人颤栗着,火把的光芒像闪电一样流过他的头发。The man shuddered, torchlight rippling like lightning through his hair.

如果起了,你应该感谢多巴酚给你带来这种令人愉快的颤栗。If so, you can thank the molecule dopamine for those shudders of delight.

眸光里星光点点,身子微微的颤栗着。Starlight in the Mou light orders a point, body the very tiny Zhan Li write.

“比利吉恩”第一次来到上个世纪八十两创专辑“颤栗。”"Billie Jean" first came out on the nineteen eighty-two hit album "Thriller.

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那一瞬间,我感到一阵颤栗,一种真正的恐惧,我手臂上的细毛都竖起来了。For an instant, I felt a thrill of genuine fear, raising the hair on my arms.

直到日出,巨蛇躲起来之后,我就颤栗地走出洞穴。When day appeared, the serpents retired , and I came out of the cave trembling.

安兰德说,“地球颤栗”完全确定她的客观主义哲学。Ayn Rand said that "Atlas Shrugged" fully defined her philosophy of Objectivism.