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向来如此。It has always been so.

作为一名译者,我向来都是译心译意…I am the first one here.

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他向来都很守信。He always keeps his word.

我向来观点鲜明。I'm a man of pronounced views.

向来情深,奈何缘浅。Always feeling, but rim shallow.

我向来都得到否定的回答。I always get a negative response.

土库曼人向来是游牧民族。Turkmens have always been nomads.

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向来缘浅,奈何情深。Alwayss margin of shallow How deep.

他向来不喜欢缠缠绵绵的告别。He never liked drawn-out good-byes.

情绪化的投资向来没有好下场。Emotional investing never ends well.

耶和华啊,我向来等候你的救恩。I look for your deliverance, O Lord.

肿瘤向来以难以清除而臭名昭著。Tumors are notoriously hard to kill.

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当然,中国人向来很含蓄。Of course, Chinese are very reserved.

神作诸事向来有始有终。And God will finish what He has begun.

向来缘浅,奈何情深。Always shallow edge, but the deep love.

我们的生活向来很简单。Our life had always been rather simple.

我向来是个珍玩爱好者。I have always been interested in curios.

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艺术品市场向来是追名逐利的。The art market always follows the money.

美食界向来对这个秘密避而不谈。In food circles they talk of nothing else.

制造生命向来是上帝的特权。TO CREATE life is the prerogative of gods.