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关公面前耍大刀。Play a big knife before GuanGong.

大刀向鬼子们的头上砍去!Chop Japanese head with broadsword!

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他紧紧握着他的大刀。He keeps his machete gripped tightly.

一把金煌煌的大刀挂在墙上。A shiny broadsword is hanging on the wall.

于是雇用当地人用大刀砍出一条穿越树丛的路。They hired locals to hack through the brush with machetes.

当当当当!!!!这就是生日之星,海先生。大家看到那把大刀了吗?Yoo-Hoo! This is our Birthday Star! You guys see the big knife?

跟现时还有的“春秋大刀”用法一样吧!但这种刀的款形少见。It's the same as Spring and Autumn Broadsword nowadays! Rare such Dao.

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正如我们看见所谓的戚家刀不能就说是唐大刀一样。As the so-called Qi's Dao we see can not be said to be Tang broadsword.

大刀世家传人齐昭曾是宣统皇帝御前侍卫。Broadsword family descendant JiZhao was xuantong emperor queen bodyguard.

他眼中只有美人,没有规避美人后面还有个武松手里的大刀。His eyes only beauty, no evading beauty behind a Wu-song hand the broadsword.

就像一把厨师的大刀扎进我的后背,”戈德法布说。It felt like a large chef's knife had been stuck in my back, " Goldfarb says.

所以我们找来一把大刀,按照圣女麦当那的画像那样,让丽娜站在粉红的墙前面。So we took a big knife and arranged her like a Madonna against the pink wall.

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在哪儿有这么重的大刀,谁又能耍得动呢?。Where can you find such a heavy broadsword? Moreover, who is able to lift it?

他眼中只有美人,没有规避美人后面还有个武松手里的大刀。His eyes only beauty, no evading beauty and a Wu-song hand behind the broadsword.

“我们是埃及人,我们是真男人,”一个守护店铺的人,挥舞着大刀说到“我们能保护自己。”We’re real men, ” said a shopkeeper, brandishing a machete. “We can protect ourselves.”

明代风格的大刀,可以理解为钢铁的实用与艺术的化身。Broadsword of Ming dynasty style, can be considered as the avatar of practice of steel and art.

来到一个树林边,带头的楚大刀忽作了个手势要镳队停止前进。Came to a the edge of the woods, lead the chu and made a great gestures to performer team stop.

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工人们使用大刀割下树低处的豆荚,并使用长把工具收割树高处的豆荚。Workers use large knives to cut the lower pods and long tools to remove pods from high on the tree.

让中国对印度投入巨资。这么一来,他们就不会在边界对我们挥舞大刀了。Make China invest heavily in India, this will prevent them from taking panga with us on the borders.

在练习大刀时,必须有扎实的拳术基础,尤其对腰腿劲及臂力的要求更为重要。Long broadsword, particularly to the request of waist and leg strength and arm dint is more important.