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这个失踪男子的名字叫刘小平。He was Liu Xiaoping.

我是说男子双打。I mean men's double.

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我是一个很有男子气概的人。I'm a very virile man.

那名男子用手捂住嘴。The man palmed his mouth.

峇峇是土生华人男子。A baba is a Peranakan man.

那男子有着强壮有力的肌肉。The man has sinewy muscles.

这三名男子均为白人,周日在丹佛东部的奥罗拉被捕。The three men are all white.

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什么是一个"很可能"的年轻男子What is a probable young man?

由美子正与一位白人男子约会。Yumiko is dating a white guy.

她对那个粗鲁的男子怒目而视。She gave the rude man a glare.

该名男子为达成其刀。The man reached for his knife.

那男子退隐到乡下去了。The man retired to the country.

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男子娶妻,中馈有主。He that has a wife has a master.

外国口音的男子说话声。Man with foreign accent concurs.

黑衣男子恨默剧,你看到的。Men in Black hate mimes you see.

这时,男子点击到了另一个页面。The man clicked to another page.

有位男子来查过煤气表。A man came to read the gas meter.

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您知道那个高个儿男子是谁?Do you know who that tall man is?

那个男子从房上跳了下来。Down from the house jump the man.

他是一个具有军人风度的男子。He is a man of soldierly bearing.