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这份工作让他们有点招架不住了。The work has overwhelmed them a bit.

过多的改革会让学生招架不住。Too many students losing some of the reforms will.

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尽管他们是最能抗火的老虎,熊熊燃烧的压力之火也会让他们招架不住。Too much stress will burn even the mostflame-resistant fire tiger.

当将脸转向风吹来的方向,风沙肆虐,我很快就招架不住了。When I face into the wind, I'm quickly sandblasted into submission.

李明博的新内阁刚成立两周,内阁官员们已经开始有些招架不住了。In forming his new Cabinet the Prime Minister has made a clean sweep.

哪怕是最勇猛的战士也只能承受这么多,再多就招架不住了。Even the best fighters can only take so much before they are staggered.

小毛头招架不住了,鼻子一抽,哇地一声哭起来。The little one could stand it no longer. His nose twitching, he burst out crying.

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的确,你会虚晃用的筹码,让对方招架不住,但这。True, these are give away chips the other side doesn't expect to win, but that's not the point.

杰克明白莉莉的心思,她的攻势越来越猛,他有些招架不住了。Jack knows Lily's scheming. He finds her offensive gets so intensive that he is unable to resist.

我马上冲上去,可是因为我没有力气,个子又小,没一会就招架不住了。I immediately rushed up to, but because I have no energy, is small, not staggered up after a while.

那丫头撒娇的功夫是厉害,朕也经常招架不住的。The exertion that that wench acts in pettish is severe, I also ordinarily can not sustain the blows.

马蒂娜·辛吉斯击球准确,但尽管在赛场上竭尽全力,仍招架不住拍拍重扣。Martina Hingis hits the ball well but, despite a better effort in the gym, can't match punch for punch.

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李明博的新内阁刚成立两周,内阁官员们已经开始有些招架不住了。Bureaucrats in his government, which was launched just two weeks ago, have been showing signs of burnout.

那些还没开出清单的人很可能觉得自己也得开一份,因为他们正被琐事所淹没,都快招架不住了。Those who don’t have a to-do list probably feel they should, because they’re swamped and feeling overwhelmed.

罗丹斯实在招架不住了,不可不到哥们狄安娜的神庙里躲避她的求婚者。Exhausted by their ss pursuit, Rhodanthe were forced to get refuge from IT suitors in the temple of IT friend Diana.

当他在健身房遭受一名拉尔戈追随者的袭击,邦德招架不住,就把一种腐蚀性液体往他脸上泼。When he's attacked in the gym by one of Largo's henchmen, Bond incapacitates him by throwing a caustic liquid in his face.

小杰也苦于在学校同其他男生打成一片,而当面对肢体挑衅,被他人欺负时,他的体力也是招架不住。Meanwhile Jay struggles to fit in with the other boys at school, and he isn't up for the physical challenge of being bullied.

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虽然玛丽已经89岁,她还是反击,并且让窃贼招架不住,带着抓伤和淤青逃跑。But the 89-year-old granny fought back and gave as good as she got. The thief got away, but not without some scratches and bruises.

这样做很重要,否则每次你去看电子信箱的时候,你都会觉得自己招架不住,感觉就像凌乱的纸张一样!That's a crucial thing because otherwise everytime you go to read your email, you're just swamped and it's just as bad as the cluttered paper.

“现在不阻止和控制肥胖的风险因素的话,卫生体制将会招架不住达到一个断裂点,”社论说。"Without prevention and control of the risk factors for obesity now, health systems will be overwhelmed to breaking point," the editorial says.