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这一通知通常是由货主发出的。This notice is usually sent from the shipper.

他们劫持了货主,并抢走了他的所有东西。They held up the owner and robed him of everything.

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必须是货主,无船承运人和托运人协会。Must be cargo owner, NVOCC, or shipper's association.

如果去远方作买卖,货主只能带少量的商品。Only small amounts could be carried over long distances.

“这是该信任还是不该信任的问题,”一位加利福利亚货主说道。“There is a big trust issue with this, ” one California shopper said.

货主告诉我们,他的一个集装箱必须退关。因此,我们正在寻找该集装箱。The shipper told us, one of his containers should be shut out. So we are looking for it.

卸货时一切驳运费和驳运险应由货主承担。All lighterage and use of craft in discharging shall be at the risk and expense of the goods.

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在货主收到进口食品后,一定要送样做检,这个过程是必须。经检验合格后,出入境检验检疫局会核发。The owner receives imported food, must send samples to make inspection, this process is a must.

“随着石油价格上涨得如此之高,有的货主正在从货车运输业转移到铁路运输,”他说。"With the price of oil so high, some shippers are moving away from trucking to rail, " he says.

刘先生想,已经给卡尔加里的货主付了款,要想要回差价谈何容易。Mr Lau would have to Calgary consignors pays, the difference is not so easy to want to return to.

随后对物流出海通道选择的原则及影响因素进行了分析,建立了货主优选出海通道的计分模型。Later, it analysises the impact factor to Logistics Corridor, and introduce Z-score Model into it.

随着价格开始下跌,利用高杠杆差的货主的库存的商品突然之间变成了现成的。As prices start to break, hoarded commodities suddenly become available for sale by highly leveraged owners.

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出口提单可在芜湖直接签发,安全迅速,便捷货主结汇。Export bill of lading can be issued directly in Wuhu, security, rapid, convenient owner of foreign exchange.

脆弱的产品需要更多的保护,这为货主可能意味着更多的物质和较重的包。Fragile products require greater protection, which for shippers can mean more material and a heavier package.

收货单位,是指购货合同和货运发票中载明的收货人或者货主。A recipient entity refers to the consignee or consignor specified in the purchase contract and shipping invoice.

日本当局没有通过在技术统治论上让步向货主们提供帮助,也没有做出了更具同情心的回应。The Japanese authorities have not helped by falling back on technocracy rather than a more sympathetic response.

货主或收货人应当支付运费、海损费以及就上述货物所发生的一切其他费用。The owner or consigner shall pay the freight and average and all other lawful charges accruing on said property.

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许多货主意识到,必须在新兴市场将其全球物流供应商和当地的第三方物流整合才能成功。Many shippers noted they view global 3PLs with local 3PL partners as most successful within the emerging markets.

这种做法严重地扰乱了货代市场的秩序,侵害货主或承运人的合法权益。This action disturbs freight forwarding market seriously and infracts the legal interest of consigner and carrier.

如果您精通法语,就会更方便了,因为与货主谈得越投机大打折扣的机会就越大。The more congenially you are able to talk to the vendors, the more likely it is that they will give you a discount.