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你在现职机构工作了多久?。How many years you work in this organization?

这项优惠同样适用于现职的后备役人员。The offer also applies to active duty reservists.

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但是,在初职或现职地位获得过程中,高中阶段重点教育的作用更加突出。However, in the process of occupational attainment, the effects of key high school stand out.

选民将填补375在500席的国会议席,与现职任期四年议员。Voters will fill 375 seats in the 500-seat parliament, with lawmakers serving four-year terms.

由于希望获得更高的职位负更多的责任,而离开现职。I am desirous of leaving the employment in order to improve my position and have more responsiblility.

由于希望获得更高的职位负更多的仔肩,而脱离现职。I am desirous of leaving the employment in order to improve my position and enjoy more responsiblility.

上述3人都是民主党在2006年选举中赢得众议院控制权后于2007年首次当选现职的。All three were first elected to those posts in 2007, after their party won control in the 2006 elections.

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由于期望获得更高的生意场位置负更多的责任,而离开现职。I am desirous of leaving the employment in order to improve my position and HAs abundance responsibility.

宇小雪,现职教师,毕业于教育学院及浸会大学。She is a teacher. She is graduated from Hong Kong Institute of Education and Hong Kong Baptist University.

会籍只给予现职于时代广场一座或蚬壳大厦公司之员工。Membership is awarded only to current staff members of tenants at Tower One or Shell Tower of Times Square.

本人离开现职的惟一原因是打算到外贸公司获得更多的经验。The only reason why I am leaving the present position is to gain more experience in a foreign trade company.

本人离开现职的惟一原因是打算到外贸公司获得更多的的经验。Thee only reason why I am leaving the present position is to gain more experience in a foreign trade company.

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既然这就是我在遵奉公众召唤就任现职时的感想,那么,在此宣誓就职之际Such being the impressions under which I have,in obedience to the public summons,repaired to the present station

奥巴马邀请国防部长盖茨留任现职,盖茨曾参与制定美国在伊拉克和阿富汗的战略。Obama asked current Secretary of Defense Gates, who helped shape U.S. efforts in Iraq and Afghanistan, to remain in his post.

研究对象为国内各县市之现职国小教师计1200人。Questionnaires were used to inquiry the factors and practices of current 1200 elementary school teachers' professional performance.

在考虑你的申请过程中,徵聘部门或许会与你现职部门联络索取谘询。In the process of considering your application, the recruiting department may approach your serving department for seeking reference.

虽然他向董事会游说,希望能在现职多待几年,但是一心想为公司塑造新形象的董事会,还是在1992年暗中把他排挤出去,不再担任董事长。In 1992 the board, looking to forge a new image for the company, eased him out as chairman despite his lobbying to stay on a few more years.

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我希望有机会充分展示自己的工作能力,以满足从事更大范围工作之需要,这是我离开现职的原因。I am leaving my present position because I can use my capabilities more fully in a position with wider scope, helping me to find a new place.

郭俊桓、黄森声、邝焕华在广东东莞酒店业担纲行政总厨现职均为中国粤菜厨艺青年标杆。Guojun Huan, Huang Sen sound, Kwong Woon hotels in Dongguan, Guangdong China featuring Executive Chef serving Cantonese cuisine in China are young models.

据路透社引述,报告说克林顿已向白宫表明希望在明年离开现职,转任世界银行行长。Reuters, citing unidentified sources, reports that Clinton has approached the White House about leaving her job next year to become the new head of the bank.