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如此继续下去,直到最后一个人出列为止。So continue, until the last one out of the line up.

进程必须首先将一条信息出列去获得这个信任。Process must first dequeue a message to obtain the credit.

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要求设计一个程序模拟此过程,并给出出列人的编号序列。Applications normally carry out a number of tasks in sequence.

按下向下键时,应该显示弹出列表。When the down key is pressed, the pop-up list should be shown.

按照出列顺序引出每个人的编号。In accordance with the order of the columns leads to each person' s number.

不要将支出列在诸如“杂项”或“一般性支出”一类的条目下。Don’t list expenses under headings such as “miscellaneous” or “general expenses.”

在一个先入先出列表中跟踪容器中的组件,该列表也定义了容器内组件的顺序。The components in a container are tracked in a first-in, first-out list, which also defines the order of the components within the container.

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所有的女特工一一出列,当那个美国人看到钟离时,不禁说就是她,还说她拿着枪指着自己的头。All the spy out one by one, when the americans see clock away, can not help but said she, is also said that she was holding a gun to his head.

选择此复选框后,在“源”视图编辑器中编辑标记时会显示有效元素、属性、特性或方法的弹出列表。When this check box is selected, pop-up lists of valid elements, properties, attributes, or methods are displayed as you edit markup in the Source view editor.

图像显示出列车把洲际导弹从朝鲜的首都运到东北部的舞水端里的一个发射台。The images appear to show an intercontinental ballistic missile being moved by train from the capital to a launch pad at Musudan-ri in the north-east of the country.

报m的人出列,将他的密码作为新的m值,从他在顺时针方向上的下一个人开始重新从1开始报数,如此下去,直至所有人全部出列为止。设计一个程序求出出列顺序。Who reported m dequeuing his password as the new m value, clockwise from him the next person on the re-start at 1 count off, it goes on, until the owner of all the columns up.