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顷刻之间,她的美貌荡然无存。In a few moments her beauty had vanished forever.

他怜悯她命运的情愫早已经荡然无存了。His tearfulness about her fate had already diminished.

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此刻连溪水中的生命也荡然无存,所有的鱼都死了。Even, the streams were now lifeless, for all the fish died.

毫无疑问,在氢弹战争当中所有的大城市都将荡然无存。No doubt in an H-bomb war great cities would be obliterated.

然而这个字眼儿在我们的文化中几乎已经荡然无存。A wonderful phrase ―one that has almost been lost in our culture.

乔莲房拾头,精致的妆容已荡然无存。Joe the lotus building is ten, the fine makeup has been all gone.

对于市场效率及流动性的信任已荡然无存。Trust in the efficiency and liquidity of the market has collapsed.

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就算将该计划的规模只减少一半,其商业可行性便会荡然无存了。A scheme even half its current size would not be commercially viable.

后来,发生的那场地震让这片沼泽雨林荡然无存。And then the earthquake struck, and this swampy rain forest was gone.

近来出现的豪华露营潮流使露营的冒险乐趣荡然无存。The recent glamping trend has taken the fun and adventure out of camping.

经过一次桑拿,关节和肌肉的疼痛就荡然无存了。Aches in your joints and muscles eases up after a session in a sauna shower.

尽管对安达信的判罪最后被推翻,但是公司却已荡然无存。Though Andersen’s conviction was later overturned, the firm was already gone.

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我为自己杀价的本领沾沾自喜、得意忘形,但回到船上后这种感觉便荡然无存了。I was especially pleased with my wonderful bargain—until I got back to the ship.

即使在古老的城市中心,那原本应有的和谐性已荡然无存。The presupposed congeniality has already been lost, even in old-core urban areas.

海岸几公里之内,家园和社区荡然无存。Homes and communities have been destroyed even several kilometres from the coastline.

这种紧迫感在普通人们处于水深火热之中时就荡然无存。That sense of urgency is always missing when it’s ordinary people who are in trouble.

持续的动员也荡然无存,而没有持续的动员,就不能逐走这些旧秩序。Gone too is the sustained mobilisation without which the old order can't be dislodged.

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比如说钓鱼,一想到钓到的欲待会被宰杀,所有的愉悦顿时荡然无存。Consider fishing, where one's whole pleasure is often spoiled by having to kill a fish.

数十年的内战使南苏丹的基础设施已经荡然无存。In Southern Sudan, after decades of civil war, infrastructure is virtually non-existent.

据美联社报道,他称这“事关信任,而如今信任已荡然无存。”He called it a "question of trust, and the trust is gone," The Associated Press reported.