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在大城市冬泳。Big city winter swimming.

在俄罗斯,“海象”俱乐部就是由冬泳爱好者组成的。In Russia, “walrus” clubs perform this function.

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在北美洲,冬泳爱好者被称作“北极熊”。In North America, the participants are called “polar bears”.

比如冬泳,这似乎是一项在全球范围内都极具魅力的运动。Ice swimming, for example, seems to be one with global appeal.

附近的冬泳队赶来帮助他们。Several members of a winter swimming team nearby came to help.

现在冬泳也在美国逐渐的流行。In addition, winter swimming is increasingly popular in the United States, too.

乘坐狗狗拉的雪橇或乘坐雪上汽车来一次旅行,还可以尝试一下冰潭中的冬泳!A husky dog or snowmobile safari, sleigh ride or take the plunge into an ice pool.

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在冰面上凿开一个洞,为那些“冬泳迷”们开拓出足够的水域来畅游一番。A hole is cut in the ice to expose enough water for adrenaline junkies to dive into.

1月16日盛大的开幕式后,国际冬泳协会世界杯第四站开赛。After the opening ceremony on January 16, the 4th stage of the IWSA World Cup began.

中国辽宁沈阳冬泳者跳入公园结冰的水中。A winter swimmer jumps into icy water at a park in Shenyang, Liaoning province, China

在冰面上凿开一个洞,为那些“冬泳迷”们开拓出足够的水域来畅游一番。A hole is cut in the ice to expose enough water for adrenaline junkies to dive into. !

在这段时间里,冬泳的人们相信来自湖泊河流的水能够洗净他们精神上的罪恶。During this time, followers believe water from lakes and rivers is spiritually cleansing.

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冬泳,或者在冰冻的水里泡澡有着宗教和文化根源。Winter swimming, or submerging oneself in freezing water, has religious and cultural roots.

强壮的人可以享受攀岩、冬泳、马拉松的刺激。Strong people can enjoy the stimulation of climbing, mountain, winter swimming and marathon.

近日,这位著名的挑战者在冰海中创下了最长的冬泳记录。The well-known competitor currently holds the record for the longest winter swim in the sea.

这些冰冷的活动历史最悠久的其中一个是在温哥华举办的「北极熊冬泳」,它从一九二○年开始。One of the oldest of these icy events is the Polar Bear Swim in Vancouver, which began in 1920.

参加此次冬泳活动的人中,年纪最大的72岁,没有一个年轻人。The 72 years old swimer is the oldest one among these participates who were all senior citizens.

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人们有时候在冬泳时享受着温暖的桑拿,加强身体锻炼。In some cases, people pair winter swimming and relaxing in warm saunas to enhance their experience.

他们唱着“冬泳健儿之歌”扑向冰冷的江水。They sang the heroically "Song of Sportsmen of Wintertime Swimming", plunging into the ice-cold water.

1月31日,一个小女孩扮作青蛙参加德国诺伊堡传统冬泳。A young girl, disguised as a frog, participates in the traditional Neuburg ice swim on January 31,2009 in Neuburg, Germany.