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现在需要一个类处理编组。Now you need a class to handle marshalling.

分类编组是另一种方法。Categorizing is another means of organization.

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学生们按身高和体重重新进行了编组。The students were regrouped according to height and weight.

建议一起编组使用不同的接线盒和隔板等。It is preferred that the different boxes, bulkheads etc be grouped together.

此项研究对提高编组场作业的自动化程度和安全性有重要意义。This research is important to automation and safety in railway transportation.

根据常理,实现必须能够反编组有效的文档。The common base is that implementations must be able to unmarshal valid documents.

由于数据的编组和传递,降低了响应时间,导致了性能问题。Performance issues arose through slower response time due to marshaling and passing the data.

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建议者正在重新编组并且指出他们期待为土孙追求栏杆经过。Proponents are regrouping and indicate they expect to continue pursuing rail transit for Tucson.

通过定义服务组,我们可以以逻辑方式对服务编组,从而满足业务需求。By defining the service group, we can logically group the services to match the business meaning.

分析短编组旅客列车发生意外紧急制动问题的原因,提出预防措施。The causes to the unexpected emergency braking on passenger trains of short consist are analyzed.

然后,需要在那些类之上放置一些编组代码,以便为前端提供一个访问层。Then you need to put some marshalling code atop that to provide an access layer to the front end.

使用这个类库对性能最严重的影响就是对所传送数据的重新编组的时间损耗。The most serious performance impact from using this library is the cost of marshalling data across.

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时间非常要紧,因为对德武力回援单位需要时间为重大反攻进行集结与编组。Time is critical as REFORGER units need time to assemble and form for the important counter attack.

这种排名方法可以通过一次简单的排序将信息分为相关的编组。This approach to ranking allows for a simple first-pass sorting of information into relevant groups.

并且它还将消息编组到它的共享存储区,这样在虚拟机之间就不存在指针共享了。It also marshals the messages into it's shared storage, so there is no pointer sharing between the VMs.

对于任何绑定中包含的每个类,它都添加了适当的数据编组或数据编出代码。For each class included in any of the bindings it adds the appropriate marshalling or unmarshalling code.

如同上述数据编出示例一样,该示例只是数据编组调用可以使用的几个变体中的一种。As with the unmarshal example, this is just one of several variations that can be used for the marshal call.

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因此,您可以确保通过编组所生成的文档总是与所期望的结构相匹配。Thus, you can ensure that the documents you generate through marshalling always match the expected structure.

我有一些比赛经验,但编组迄今为止最好的是去年的停泊岛挑战。I have a number of race marshaling experience but the best so far was last year's Perhentian Island Challenge.

它还缺乏对引用的支持,所以不能直接进行数据分解或编组图结构。It also lacks supports for references, so that graph structures cannot be directly unmarshalled or marshalled.