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请试著从上下文猜测字义。Try to guess from the context.

是英文字义“除去补色”的简称。Short for Complementary Colour Removal.

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这两个字的字义完全一样。The two words are identical in meaning.

字义,含义通常的或可接受的意思,如单词或短语的。The usual or accepted meaning, as of a word or expression.

新字被创造出来,而一些旧字衍生新字义。New words are created, and some old words develop new meanings.

它不仅是告诉你一个字的字义,而且也告诉你如何使用它。It will tell you not only what a word means but also how it is used.

照字义,意思是楼外还有楼,是南京一家著名的宾馆。Literally , it means pavilion beyond pavilion A famous restaurant in Nanjing.

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这本词典给了我们许多说明字义的词组和句子。The dictionary gives us a wealth of phrases and sentences to illustrate meaning.

在给字义时,举例常比下定义更有用。Illustration is often more useful than definition for giving the meanings of words.

不同于测字,从文字造型和字义上做出独特解释!Different from the tellers, shape and meaning from the text made a unique interpretation!

汉字义符的示意作用体现在字义组成单位中。The semantic function of Chinese morphemes is embodied in the component units of word meaning.

通过对“蹶”字的字义分析,认为“趺蹶”当作“跌蹶”。By analyzing the meaning of the Chinese character"Jue", "Fujue" should be recognized as "Diejue".

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实践证明,从汉字的字形及其字义来探讨中国古代文化是非常有意义的。So it is of significance to the research into the ancient Chinese culture by font style and its meaning.

佛较之所以强调「定」,而很少用「自由」这个字义,是因为真正的自由是来自内心。Buddhism emphasizes "rest" and rarely uses the word "free" because true freedom comes from the inner mind.

叠音是指相同音节的重叠,它是一种紧相连用而字义相等的复叠方法。Reiterative locution refers to repetition of the same syllables with equivalent meaning , which are often closely used.

目前教学中普遍存在着注重形、音,却对字义不够重视的现象。The teaching today has paid much attention upon character script and sound but little emphasis on the sense of characters.

规划所使用的语言非常热烈,不断加入新字义,并像狂喜的传教士一般重复著“将要”这个词。The language is fervent, breeding neologisms and repeating the word "will" in the manner of preachers foreseeing the rapture.

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在某些字典里面,最常用的字义都列在前面,而在其他字典里面则是最新的字义才列在最后。In some dictionaries the meanings which are used most often are listed first, and in others, the newest meanings are listed last.

他们在极具干扰性的Stroop实验中表现不佳,该实验让受试者观看打印颜色与字义不同的词语图案,并说出该图案的打印颜色。They also perform poorly on the confusing Stroop test, in which words for various colours are printed in another colour that has to be identified.

该基因的作用,从字义上就可以理解,即修改控制在血流中致炎化学物质的含量的蛋白质其密码的基因就叫趋化因子。This gene, as its name suggests, encodes a protein that regulates the level in the bloodstream of inflammation-causing chemicals called chemokines.