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这些神经细胞位于脑干的脑桥部位。They are in the pons part of the brain stem.

压迫部位在面神经根入脑桥处前方,位置隐蔽。The compressing site is in front of REZ and is very convert.

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随着CT的临床应用,原发性脑桥出血的发现率明显提高。More and more cases of primary pontine hemorrhage are found with development of CT.

目的探讨脑桥梗死的临床和影像学特点。Objective To explore the clinical and imaging characteristics of pontine infarction.

目的研究脑桥基底部梗死的临床表现及影像改变。Objective To evaluates the clinical and imaging features of pontine basal infarction.

少量交叉纤维入对侧锥体束后入脑桥尾侧网状核。A few fibers crossed into the contralateral pyramidal tract were traced into RPC on that side.

脑室,脑桥出血病人也有高热,体位可高达40℃。Ventricle, pontine haemorrhage patient also has high fever, the posture can be as high as 40 ℃.

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其中枢突经中间神经进入脑桥后,终止于孤束核上部。Its centre dash forward after nerve enters pons among classics, stop at Gu bundle nuclear upside.

耳后小切口乙状窦后入路小脑脑桥角肿瘤切除术是理想的手术方式。The micrurgy of removing the tumor with retrosigmoidal approach is an ideal functional operation.

可见水肿和第四脑室的变窄,呗侧脑桥、中脑向左侧移位。There is edema and partial effacement of the fourth ventricle, dorsal pons , and mid brain on the left.

方法回顾性地分析95例脑桥基底部梗死的原始资料。Methods The clinical and imaging data of 95 cases of pontine basal infarction were retrospectively studied.

此结果提示,PAG可能对大鼠脑桥排尿反射活动具有兴奋性调节作用。The results suggest that the PAG may exert an excitatory influence on pontine micturition reflex of the rat.

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病报部位多在肤阱脸体、脑桥、小脑茎中部、颅骨圈突部。Sickness newspaper spot many middle the skin pitfall face body, pons, cerebellum stem, skull circle suddenly.

后脑位于大脑后端的下方,由小脑、脑桥和延髓构成。The hindbrain sits underneath the back end of the cerebrum, and it consists of the cerebellum, pons, and medulla.

目的分析脑桥卒中合并膈肌阵挛的特点及可能的机制。Objective To study the clinical aspects and the possible mechanism of the diaphragmatic myoclonus after pons stroke.

颈静脉结节和枕髁阻碍了脑桥延髓腹侧的术野。The condyle and the jugular tubercle might block the visualization of the front of the medulla and the pontomedulla.

目的探讨经乙状窦后径路小脑脑桥角手术并发症的类型及处理方法。Objective To explore the type and management of complications in cerebellopontine angle surgery by the retrosigmoid approach.

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目的探讨经小脑延髓裂入路微创手术切除脑桥背侧病变的疗效。Objective To observe the trans- cerebellomedullary fissure minimally invasive operation treating lesions of dorsal part of pons.

双侧脑桥梗死则往往表现为假性延髓性麻痹、双侧肢体运动障碍。Bilateral infarction involved the bilateral pyramidal tracts and tegmentum, represents pseudobulbar palsy and bilateral motor deficits.

目的对经中颅窝入路小脑脑桥角区的显露程度及其损伤程度进行定量综合评价。Objective To evaluate comprehensively the exposure and damage to the cerebellopontine angle region by the middle cranial fossa approach.