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地板上不再有足音回荡。No footfalls echo on the floor.

日昼夜夜他们的足音在我门前震荡。Night and day their steps sound by my door.

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鞋底的足音是唯一的声响。The sound of their feet was the only sound.

听硬核音乐,酸性摇滚,并且开足音量!!!Hard core, acid rock, and turn it up loud!!!

足音清脆,让所有的目光都停止呼吸。Sound clear enough so that all eyes were stopped breathing.

嘉定的发展也记录着时代前进的足音。The development of Jiading also embodies the advancement of the times.

我象哪夜间的小路,正静悄悄地听着记忆的足音。I am like road in the nithg listening to the footfalls of its memories in silence.

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我像那夜间之路,静悄悄的谛听著回忆的足音。Im like the road in the night listening to the footfalls of its memories in silence.

虽然走过我家门的行人那样多,我总能分辨出他的足音。I can always distinguish his footfall among those of many pedestrians before our home.

呜听那足音,沉,百万男人争相响应!哦船烂万颗钉!O to hear the tramp, tramp, of a million answering men! O the ships they arm with joy!

五时,世尊闻孙陀利迦婆罗堕婆阇婆罗门之足音,摘去头包。The Blessed One hearing the foot steps of the Brahmin Sundarika Bharadvaja disclosed his head.

虽然过往的行人那样多,我总能分辨他的足音。Although the passing pedestrian are such many, I can always distinguish his sound of footsteps.

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那里常是寂寂的,寂寂的,不论什么时候,你向巷中踅去,都如宁静的黄昏,可以清晰地听到自己的足音。There is nothing but stillness there. At any hour of day, you can even distinctly hear in the dusk-like quiet your own footsteps.

也是夏日,也是黄昏,在铺满碎石的湖畔曾经与你走过一程小径,心跳比蝉声更烈,宁静的湖水录有我怯怯的足音。I' ve walked on the broken stone road by the lake in summer evening. My heart beats stronger than cicada sings. The quiet lake records my timid steps.

你不曾鄙夷地避开我童年时代在尘土中的游戏,我在游戏室里所听见的足音,和在群星中的回响是相同的。Thou didst not turn in contempt from my childish play among dust, and the steps that I heard in my playroom are the same that are echoing from star to star.

人类文明前行的足音,必然呼吁人类个体自由度的提高和主体平等地位的确立。The advancement of human civilization inevitably appeals for the improvement of the degree of individual freedom and the establishment of equality of subjects.

有一片红叶相伴相依,红遍一方土地,让那岁月的足音,理性地过滤,消褪多少人生的沧桑。I am accompanied by a red leaf which redden a piece of land, and the foot sound of time, after being rationally filtered, has decreased so many changes of human life.

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这条永远卧躺的道路,宛如一个耳朵贴俯着地面谛听足音的人,今天没有发现嘉宾光临的迹象,也没有在路的近头看见一间屋子。The road, that ever lies along like some one with ear to the ground listening for footsteps, to-day gleans no hint of coming guest , nothing of the house at its far end.

一生没有一则像现在,我如此渴望看见人,随便一个什么人或是背后传来的足音都可以。Never before had I yearned to see another person as much as at this moment. Anyone, even footsteps from behind, would have been enough. People, people who need people, as Barbra Streisand sang.

一串足音响过,好象得得的马蹄声,践踏着我的心胸,我感觉到一阵闷痛,一声长长的叹息从胸口飞落,打破怀抱中落叶的沉默。Sound off a string of foot, as if was obtained hoofs, trampling with my heart, I feel a burst men Tong, I heard a long sigh fly down from the chest, breaking the silence of arms of the fallen leaves.