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一个繁荣的杰哈迪亚文化出现了。A thriving jihadi subculture has emerged.

他们倾向于流入工作的亚文化领域。They tend to drift into work subcultures.

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少数民族文化群称为亚文化群。The minor culture groups are called subcultures.

伊奥利亚的,伊奥利亚人的或伊奥利亚文化的,与之有关的。Of or relating to Aeolis or its people or culture.

教师文化是大学文化的亚文化之一。Faculty culture is one of sub-cultures of university culture.

有关移动电话亚文化的产生,日本确实是一个好例子。Indeed, Japan is good example of how such subcultures come about.

现今青少年的文身是一种亚文化现象的反映。Tattoo of youngsters is the reflection of sub-cultural phenomenon.

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一种男孩怪才的亚文化已经围绕充满暴力的游戏萌生了。A boy geek subculture has grown up around gaming that involves violence.

会道门文化属于社会文化和亚文化范畴。The Hui Dao Men Culture belongs to the social culture and the sub-culture.

与其它亚文化群一样,嬉皮文化也形成了一套自己的时尚与语言风格。Like all other sub-cultures, hippies developed their own fashion and lingo.

张志华确信观众不会奉迎新生的亚文化。Zhang assured that the average viewer's taste has not stooped to a new low.

俚语是英语语言中举足轻重的一支,它是亚文化的语言载体。Slang, a mirror of sub-culture, is an indispensible part of English language.

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教师反学校文化是一种教师亚文化形态。Teachers'counter-school culture is a kind of sub-culture of teachers'culture.

多神教亚文化是先例现象的主要来源之一。The sub-culture of the polytheism is one of the main sources of the precedent.

作为巴伐利亚文化的重要部分,德国啤酒节自1810年就产生了。As an important part of Bavarian culture, Oktoberfest finds its origin in 1810.

三是平等的乡村文化,与歧视性的城市亚文化的冲突。Third is the conflict between equal rural culture and biased urban sub-culture.

不过这项运动的热衷者倒更愿意把它看成是一种青年亚文化所倡导生活方式。Today Yuansu is not just the name of a place, but the name of a kind of culture.

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为山寨机设立的网站不断出现,成为一种真正的亚文化现象。Websites devoted to the phones are appearing and have become a genuine subculture.

同志博客是一个社会交际网络,也是同性恋亚文化传播的平台。The process of homosexual blog to self-build is same as that of building a subculture.

利莫里亚文化,就是人类文明中最后经历了尊重的群体之一。Lemurian culture was one of the last group experiences of honor in any human civilization.