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埋伏在乱石堆里杉木看见黄鸣锋等人。Ambush fir in ci to see huang feng, etc.

他们用杉木板装设了卧室的天花板。They ceiled their bedroom with cedar boards.

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神谷关夫批准了杉木的行动方案。God GuGuanFu approved the action plan of fir.

金属、塑料或红杉木制成的草地坐椅。Lawn chair made of metal, plastic or redwood.

黄鸣锋和兰如剑则发现了杉木等人休息过的地方。Huang feng and LAN as sword is found fir rest too.

但杉木并无半句怨言,虚心接受批评。But no half other complaints, fir to accept criticism.

早期的定居者用云杉木、枫木和松木建造屋架。Early settlers built frames of spruce, maple and pine.

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杉木和樟木是造龙舟的上好木料。Fir and dragon boat made of camphor wood is good wood.

来个杉木背箩和一块黑布就可以了。The basket will be of pine, and the cover a black cloth.

金属、塑料、桃花心木或红杉木制成的安乐椅。Lounge chair made of metal, plastic, mahogany or redwood.

神谷关夫问坂垣正雄,杉木为何会一败再败?Ask GuGuanFu BanYuan god is male, fir a failure again why?

也让杉木发现黄鸣锋的突击小分队的行踪。Also let Chinese fir found huang feng assault teams whereabouts.

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云空和一清牢牢地牵制了杉木等人前进的步伐。Cloud empty and a clear firmly hold the fir the pace of progress.

杉木林、未成林、马尾松林水土保持功能中等划分为第三类。The young forest, fir and pinetum were made up of the third kind.

该地用中国大陆的杉木以更新森林。China fir from mainland China are used here in reforestation work.

敏锐的黄鸣锋感觉到他们很可能已经让杉木溜过去了。Acute huang feng feel they are likely to have slipped past the fir.

溪底卵石上爬着无数的杉木鱼。Sidi countless pebbles on the crawling on all fours lanceolata fish.

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济民诊所内,坂垣正要动手,被杉木制止。The people in the clinic, BanYuan was about to begin, were fir stop.

杉木瞟了中村一眼,说道我是一名武士!Cunninghamia lanceolata took a glance at nakamura, say I am a warrior!

扫描电镜照片显示正辛醇接枝改性杉木粉在基体中分散更均匀。SEM examination revealed grafted fir powder have good dispersion in PP.