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梳子是用来梳头发的。What's comb for?

现在我也需要梳子了。Now I need the comb.

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把一把刀的刀刃切割成梳子状。Dicing a blade to a comb.

给我肥皂和梳子。Give me my soap and comb.

请把梳子拿给我。Please bring me the comb.

那是一把镶满宝石的梳子。That's a gem-studded comb.

那是一把镶满宝石的梳子。That's a gem- studded comb.

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那些叶子跳往梳子上边!The leaves jumped to the comb!

爸爸有一个梳小胡子的梳子。Dad has a comb for his mustache.

这把梳子是假象牙做的。This comb is made from celluloid.

你干嘛给他买梳子?Why did you buy him a hairbrush ?

我不愿把梳子借给她。I was unwilling to lend her my comb.

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苏西那小贱人偷了我的梳子…That little bitch Susie stole my comb.

我们能用梳子来保持头发的整洁。We can keep our hair tidy with a comb.

她在手提包里乱翻一气找梳子。She pawed through her purse for a comb.

她的头发让梳子挂住了。Her hair got all tangled up in the comb.

事实上那更像是一个破烂的梳子。In practice it's more like a ragged comb.

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为什么不!我用的是我老婆的梳子给你梳头!Why Not! I am using my cutie's comb for you!

或者用梳子撕扯着你湿湿的金发。or tearing a comb through your gold-wet hair.

梳子以及宅兆里的枪榴弹结合在一路。the comb is combined with a bomb in the tomb.