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这部影片很枯燥乏味。This movie is boring.

枯燥的书味同嚼蜡。A dull book lacks interest.

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那该多么枯燥乏味啊!How boring it’s going to be.

我发现我的工作很枯燥。I found my job really boring.

他过着枯燥无味的生活。He lived a cut-and-dried life.

他过着枯燥无味的生活。Eg. He lived a cut-and-dried life.

替换原先枯燥乏味的新闻邮件。To Replace the Boring Old Newsletter.

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真是枯燥啊,你都能站着睡着囖!It's so boring you can stand and sleep!

没有什么特别的,甚至是枯燥乏味的,对吗?Nothing special and even boring, right?

因为这个名字太枯燥了,但没关系This is a boring title, but never mind.

除去有一点枯燥,wp7是部不错的手机。WP7 handsets are good, if a bit boring.

哎,怎么引枯燥的生活!Ah, how unrelieved boring life would be!

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我的意思是这是那么的愚蠢和枯燥。I mean this is so stupid and so insipid.

那是一堆枯燥乏味、毫无幽默感的废话。It is a tedious, humourless load of crap.

这比看那些枯燥的文字的效果好多了。That's much better than reading dry docs.

他在宴会后的讲话很枯燥。He made a very boring after-dinner speech.

我觉患上英文语法枯燥难明。I found English grammar dull and difficult.

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这份新工作并非枯燥无味。The new job was not without its excitements.

计算转动惯量,是一个枯燥的活。Well, the moment of inertia is a boring job.

不要忘记它,不要从它上感到枯燥不安。Don’t forget it, don’t be distracted from it.