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您打算在您的银行帐户审定期存放多少钱?How much money do you wint placed tO your credit?

负责公司航空产品适航审定事务。In charge of aero-products related airworthiness certification affairs.

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负责天语公司大部分中英互译稿件的终稿审定。She is also in charge of editing most translation works for the company.

二是重新登记审定,取缔无证照经营场所。Second, the re-registration approval, ban or the document establishments.

我觉得字幕工作的审定与其它的翻译工作要多得多。I think I end up doing more revisions of subtitles than of any other work.

全部记录由来自该组织的评判员审定。All the record attempts are assessed by adjudicators from the organisation.

早在美国,中国科学社就拟定了科学名词的审定计划。Early in America, the Science Society of China makes out the plan of censoring terms.

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经专家审定,决定在第二名获奖作品的基础上加以改进。Audited by experts, decided in the second winning entries on the basis of improvement.

金兰偷出智雄的刮胡刀和牙刷,拜托做亲身审定。Gold orchid steal out ZhiXiong razors and toothbrush, please do personally authorized.

历史和文化的信仰很可能通过科学的审定和阐述。The beliefs of history and culture may well be validated and explicated through science.

采购单由常务董事审定后,签发给供应商。Purchase orders will be authorized by the Managing Director prior to issuance to the vendor.

各科审定内容依本系课程大纲为准。The content for inspection in each course will depend on the course syllabi in the department.

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要等待人事局的审定,大约要一个小时左右就可以了…Must wait for that personnel bureau's examination, probably took about one hour to be possible.

除本章程规定外,一律依据国际游泳联会审定的规则进行。Unless stated in this prospectus, all rules and regulations will follow those used by the FINA.

将本项目审定合格的供货商名单报公司备案。Report the examined and approved qualified suppliers list of this project to company for record.

负责组织实施公司航空产品的适航审定与管理工作。In charge of organizing and carrying out aero-products' airworthiness certification and management.

其取得收入时经主管税务机关审定核定后,可免于征税。The gained income may be exempted taxation after being verified by the competent taxation authorities.

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国家特定人群健康及状况研究所将重新审定并评估特定人群的健康标准,活动经费由国家卫生研究所拨付。NIMHD will review, coordinate, and evaluate all health disparities research conducted or funded by NIH.

迁回国内之后,中国科学社积极参与国内的科学名词审定工作。After returning homeland, the Science Society of China actively attends the censorship of science terms.

1999年博山精工泵业有限公司被审定为山东省机械工业厅定点企业。Authorized it for the mechanical specially-designated factory of bureau of industry of ShanDong in 1999.