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这无疑已帮助这只“凯尔特之虎”再度抖擞精神。No doubt this has helped the Celtic Tiger purr again.

我们要重建辉煌,我们要抖擞精神,美利坚合众国要重现比往日更强大的明天。United States of America will emerge stronger than before.

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爱情方面,5月16日一过,一切都将抖擞精神重新上路。Romantically, once you pass May 16 things should immediately begin to perk up.

他抖擞精神,把警察推到餐室门口。Starting into activity, he bundled the policemen into the dining-room doorway.

去年战胜德维尔潘先生的学生们也抖擞精神迎接新的战斗。Students too, having defeated Mr de Villepin last year, are bracing for a new struggle.

开学了,昂扬斗志抖擞精神,你们是祖国的希望,你们是社会的栋梁!School, and high morale bracing, you are the hope of the motherland, you are the pillars of society!

最好呢,你可以抖擞抖擞精神,鼓起勇气,约你的老板聊聊“你的工作”和表现。Ideally you can muster the professional courage to ask for a meeting to talk about "your job" and performance.

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这是曼联的季前友谊赛,也是在新赛季卫冕之旅之前抖擞精神的好机会。It's a pre-season friendly for United and the opportunity to shake off a few cobwebs before the start of the title defence.

何不抖擞抖擞精神投身到崭新的体验当中?别总是去那些相同的地方、吃一成不变的食物,要么就是跟身边抬头不见低头见的那几个人说话。Instead of visiting the same places, eating the same foods, and talking to the same people, you can actively pursue new experiences.

尽管贿赂丑闻对品牌造成了打击,但这家电子制造商正抖擞精神全力发掘它在绿色能源和大规模传输方面的技术实力。A bribery scandal hurt, but the electronics maker has moved on and aims to exploit its engineering prowess in green energy and mass transportation.

红军主帅希望自己的球队能抖擞精神,直面强敌,在英超领头羊面前全力以赴,拿出能让安菲尔德球迷为之骄傲的表现。The Reds boss is calling on his side to rise to the occasion against the reigning Barclays Premier League champions and give the Anfield crowd something to respond to.

我们抖擞精神,一气走过壶天阁,登上黄岘岭,发现沙石全是赤黄颜色,明白中溪的水为什么黄了。Putting on a spurt we soon reached the Heavenly Tea-pot Tower and Mount of the Yellow Escarpment, whose orange sandstone accounts for the amber colour of the water below.

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“总有一种力量它让我们泪流满面,总有一种力量它让我们抖擞精神,总有一种力量它驱使我们不断寻求“正义、爱心、良知”。"There are always a force that tears us, there is always a force which makes us full of vigor, there is always a force that drives us constantly to seek" justice, love and conscience.