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那个反对她的寺院僧众感到很害怕。The monastery that had opposed her felt really bad.

他对所有的年轻僧众都十分慈悲、仁爱,常常同他们嬉戏、说故事。He was compassionate and kind to all the young monks, playing and telling stories.

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继续筹备及设置法坛。僧众绘制阿弥陀佛沙坛城。Continue with preparation, shrine set-up. Continue with drawing of Amitabha Sand Mandala.

僧众半夜醒来,经常能看到丈室的灯还亮着。When the Sangha gets up at midnight, they often see the light still burning in the Abbot's room.

少林主持释永信称,少林僧众是心怀对禅理的领悟和对少林的喜爱然而习武。Yongxin, the abbot, says monks practice kungfu 'with an understanding of Zen Buddhism and love of the temple.

出家僧众每天清晨,一大早就开始拜佛礼忏,是否学佛的人都应如此呢?Every morning the monks monk, Buddha Li Chan began early in the morning, whether Buddhists should be the case?

少林主持释永信称,少林僧众是心怀对禅理的领悟和对少林的热爱而习武。Yongxin, the abbot, says monks practice kung fu 'with an understanding of Zen Buddhism and love of the temple.

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拉布有较高的佛学造诣,在广大僧众中有很高的威信。Lhabu has made important achievements in Buddhist studies, and enjoys great popularity amongst other monks and lamas.

佛陀在世时,僧众共同生活,都是靠群体和敬共同维持僧团教规。Buddha was alive, the monks live together, are jointly maintained by the Sangha community and respect religious rules.

赞助本届马拉松一次,等于护持僧众两周读诵。Making a donation to this marathon is like sponsoring all the recitations, by all the monks, during the full two-week period.

但总统贾帕克萨一直和僧众走的很近,人们也把他看做是一个有道德的、勇敢的人。But President Rajapaksa was always close to the sangha and people recognised him as a moral and courageous man, " Dhammawasa Thera said."

饮食是僧众出家生活中的一重要环节,戒律中不少条文都涉及饮食规范,律藏更辟「药犍度」专章处理。Diet is an important aspect of monastic life. Numerous rules regulate monks' diets. The Vinaya even gives a particular chapter on medicine and food.

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萨的哲蚌寺、色拉寺、甘丹寺仍被当局关闭,在军警的围困之中,由于被停止供水、关闭周边饭馆,使得寺院僧众生活陷入极大困境。It has been seven to nine days since Drepung, Sera and Ganden Monasteries have been closed by the authorities, and they are still surrounded by riot police.

它在形式上固然是一种佛教僧众的集团,然而在精神上,它是融合礼乐的真义和佛教戒律的典型。Though it takes the form of monastery, in essence it's a typical example of the combination of Confucian teachings of etiquettes and music and the Buddha commandments.

很快我就注意到有佛教的僧众和他们的学徒们身穿法袍,每天托钵乞食。Shortly after we arrived there, I began to see the Buddhist monks and the apprentices who would wear the saffron robes and would go out each day to ask for their meals.

这是为了维护和延长大师的语言所采用的有效方法,这将使得教团和僧众之间一样和谐。In order to safeguard and perpetuate the word of the Master an effective methodology had to be evolved which would ensure the unity of the teaching as well as the concord among fellow monks.

在一星期里,经堂是昼夜二十四小时循环的念诵,您可以在任何一个时间听到僧众们念诵的经文。During this week long time, hundreds of monks, yogis and disciples were praying day and night. In rotations , they only breaked once every couple of hours for food or drink and to use the restroom.