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那见事儿落实了吗?。Has that matter been implemented?

为此,一要落实播种面积。To this end, 1. area of seed sown.

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“我已经下定决心了,”林肯回答说,“必须这么做,我要推动这份宣言的落实,要摆脱困境别无他途。It must be done. I am driven to it.

生产计划要订得落实。Production plans must be practicable.

现场5S之落实和督导。Ascertaining of field 5S and inspector.

我们已准备好落实国家自主贡献。We are prepared to implement our INDCs.

落实新政策及新标准。New policy and standards implementations.

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抓机制落实责任。Catch a mechanism to fulfil responsibility.

二是落实好重点合作项目。Second, implement key cooperation projects.

它们应该可以落实责任和监管。It has to have accountability and oversight.

②落实探究性学习的探索。Carries out the zetetic study the exploration.

化育整合能力,落实团队合作。Honoring integrative capability and team work.

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宣传是落实政策的第一步。Publicity of the policies is the foremost step.

将你的点子落实到工作项目中去。Implement your ideas into your projects at work.

“跳槽”是借势自我落实政策的主动行为。Job hopping is the initiative act on the policy.

你根本不需要什么Moleskine笔记本来落实你的创意。You don’t need a Moleskine notebook to be creative.

此外,就是要落实好联合国安理会的第2270号决议。Moreover, UNSC Resolution 2270 should be implemented.

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上述700多项措施已全部得到落实。All the 700-plus measures have been put into practice.

落实各项进网服务。Implement several and enter the service of the network.

组织目标逐级向下分解,一直落实到每个员工。The organization target is break down to each employee.