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所有生灵,不分善恶。Every being, good or evil.

他能识别善恶,辨别是非。Can' t you tell vice from virtue ?

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我是多么疲倦于我的善恶呵!How weary I am of my good and my bad!

腼腆拘谨也正是一种善恶参半的性格。Prudery is a demi-virtue and a demi-vice.

他能识别善恶,辨别是非。He knows good from evil, fight from wrong.

书能让我们分辨善恶。Books tell us what is good and what is evil.

他心情太烦乱了,无法分辨善恶。He was too upset to distinguish vice from virtue.

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科技本身是中性的,无所谓善恶。Science and technology themselves are value-neutral.

善恶间的分界线已经变得模糊了。The line between good and evil is beginning to blur.

不要吃分辨善恶的知识树的果实。Don't eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.

他从未学会分辨善恶。He never learned to differentiate between good and evil.

贞德,你凭什么就认为你有能力分辨善恶呢?Why do you think you can distinguish between good and evil?

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我最喜欢的其中一个格言是“不应以好坏善恶、智愚贤劣来把人分类”。Here of course I'm giving a very broad definition to learning.

“分裂人格”指人格的善恶二重性。Split personality refers to the dual characters of good and evil.

世人愚昧,分不清真正的善恶美丑。The world of ignorance, not tell the real beauty of good and evil.

我亲爱的,买只鸡的事还能谈得上什么善恶么?My darling, what can be virtuous or sinful about buying a chicken ?

这是关于一场,善恶决战的故事。It's a story of a cosmic battle between forces of good and forces of evil.

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叔本华的悲剧理论是没有善恶分别的。Schopenhauer's tragedy theory did not differentiate the evil and the good.

人们开始区分善恶,可以理解为性。Knowledge of good and evil perhaps that could be understood in sexual terms.

上帝知道这点,人类就会像上帝一样能分辨善恶。And God knows that, that human beings will become like God knowing good and evil.