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疗肝脏疾病,百战百胜!Cure liver disease, ever victorious !

这种心理战术运用得当,无不百战百胜。This psychological tactics used properly, without the.

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他在商场上几乎无往不利,百战百胜。He is nearly ever successful on the market, ever-victorious.

他的洞穴人军队在尼根黑暗的坑道中百战百胜。His Troglodyte hordes are feared the world over, especially in the dark tunnels of Nighon.

齐桓公慑服南方的强大楚国,征服北方山戎,就是百战百胜的典例。Lord Huan of State of Qi was able to make State of Chu submit to him and subdue the northern tribes.

知己知彼,百战百胜,只有这样,我们才能真正有效地打好“消灭”肥胖的战斗——也许我们还能避免一场无谓的战争。Only then can we really know how to effectively wage the war on obesity — or if such a war even needs to be waged.

冷子峰成为了最具潜力的击剑黑马,而赵伊虹成为了百战百胜的战略智囊。Cold Zifeng has become the most potential fencing horse, and Zhao Yihong has become strategic think-tank invincible.

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正所谓知己知彼百战百胜,在考试前就已领会了,想不得高分都难啊。What is called the mutant ever victorious, before examination has grasped, it will be difficult not to get high score.

除了在希腊战争中百战百胜,埃斯库罗斯在雅典的剧场里也是风光无限。In addition to the victories Aeschylus won as part of the Greek army, he won numerous victories in the Athenian theaters.

只有通过学习国外的先进管理经验,取长补短,知己知彼百战百胜,才能应付全球性一体化的挑战。Only through learning advanced foreign management experience from the enemy, ever victorious, to cope with the challenge of global integration.

之后伤兵得到有效治疗,军威激增。造就了一支百战百胜、威震天下的戚家军。Then the injured soldiers got effective treatment and the morale was encouraged a lot, that was what created a ever-victorious and shocking Qi army.

如果可能的话,重温一下往年的考查题目并重新命题你之前解答过的问题。这是很多老师在综合考试出题时的策略。像老师一样思考如何测试考生,你才可以真正做到知己知彼,百战百胜。If possible, goback over old tests and re-word the questions you've answered before. This is how many teachers come up with questions for a comprehensive exam.

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虽然个人的条件及能力才是决定性因素,但是知己知彼才能百战百胜,事先有越多的准备,临阵必定有最佳的表现。Although individual conditions and capacity is the decisive factor, but in which the enemy can advance and the more prepared definitely got the best performance.

他对“知己知彼、百战百胜”的陈述解释了信息所具有的决定性价值。His statement that knowing oneself and one's enemy ensures victory while not knowing about either ensures defeat expresses the critical value he placed on information.

虽然没有眼睛,莎克特在战术上却有令人惊奇的先见之明。他的洞穴人军队在尼根黑暗的坑道中百战百胜。Though eyeless , Shakti has amazing vision when it comes to battlefield tactics. His Troglodyte hordes are feared the world over, especially in the dark tunnels of Nighon.

最终达到,九阳神功,神器随心,运化自如,点滴不漏,百交不殆,百战百胜的境地。To reach the final, nine-yang martial art, Artifact heart, ease of transportation, does not drip leak, do not pay almost a hundred, emerge victorious in every battle position.

结果这个儿子果真百战百败,不像他的父亲一样百战百胜,因为他完全没有实地上战场的经验,只是光靠念书而已。As a result, the son suffered defeat after defeat, much unlike his invincible father because he had no practical experience in warfare, and relied solely on military books for his knowledge.