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在去溶洞的路上。On the way to the cave.

桂林有溶洞。There are karst caves in Guilin.

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如果没有他们,我们找不到这个溶洞的。We would never have found this cave.

在钟乳石溶洞里,可以见到渗流现象。Seepage flow can be observed in stalactite caves.

溶洞密布、湖水相通、神秘莫测。The lake is linked to many enigmatic karst caves.

这个是“尖塔”——溶洞的地标。This is ‘Minaret’, the trade mark of Marble Cave.

在业已发现的卡斯特溶洞中均充满或含有水。Karst cave if found any is filled up or contained with water.

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从而为隐伏溶洞的预测积累了经验。The experiences for forecasting covered karst cave are accumulated.

这个天然形成的溶洞被称为“山神洞”。This natural limestone cave is called the "Cave for the Mountain God".

比起在芦笛岩的溶洞里游玩,这里予人别样的新奇感觉!Eating here gave me curious feelings different from visiting in Reed Flute Cave.

位于栾川县城以西4公里处,是一座天然石灰岩溶洞。Is located 4 kilometers west of the city Luanchuan, is a natural limestone cave.

本发明是一种人造溶洞及岩溶地貌制作工艺。This invention presents a making technique of artificial cavern and karst landform.

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该系列可处理一公升的矿泉水瓶瓶坯,从16日至48溶洞。The series could handle 1-litre mineral water bottle preforms from 16 to 48 cavities.

欧比旺翻身跳上坐垫,随即波佳纵身一跃,便落到了溶洞的边缘。Obi-Wan sprang to the saddle, and Boga leapt to the sinkhole 's rim in a single bound.

贵州绥阳双河溶洞群是中国罕见的、有独特景观的洞穴系统。Guizhou Suiyang Shuanghe River Water-Eroded Cave is Chinese rare and unique cave system.

严禁采用渗沆、缝隙、溶洞或稀释等办法排放废水。It is not allowed to discharge the wastewater via the methods such as infiltration, slit, cave.

换句话说,充填流体溶洞既能形成强的纵波,又能形成强的横波。In other words, where the cavity filler is liquid, it has intense reflection of S-wave and P-wave.

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喀斯特溶洞奇观的出现与地球化学边界关系同样相当密切。The occurrence of karst caves and collapses is also closely related to the geochemical boundaries.

12年前,村民宋学武发现了一个深藏在原始森林中的溶洞。About 12 years ago, a villager named Song Xuewu discovered a karst cave in the thick virgin forest.

该方法对井分析吻合度极高,效果良好,是一种创新的溶洞检测方法。Detection result by this method is well consistent with drilling data, and is an innovative method.