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让我们坐下来详谈。Let us sit down.

但他没有详谈这一话题。But no details have been discussed.

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夏煦有苦衷,想找时间与许仪详谈。Xia Xu have anguish, want to find time and aguero in detail.

小声点。我们晚点再详谈。我现在得要去找文斯。Keep your voice down. We'll talk more later. Right now I need to see Vince.

具体内容加QQ二五七二五一详谈。QQ details plus two hundred fifty-seven thousand two hundred fifty-one dwell.

具体合作事宜与合作内容请与我详谈。Co-operation with the specific content of cooperation please contact me to elaborate.

在Martin,Seligman之前,都发生在1998年,下次我们会详谈。Before Martin Seligman, this all happened in 1998 and we'll talk about it a little bit more next time.

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在一次记者招待会上朱?基总理都提到了这一点,只不过没有详谈。Even Premier Zhu Rongji mentioned this point in one of his press conferences. But he didn't elaborate.

谷歌不愿意对定价进行详谈,但是一些开发商预期在这些设备上运行的小部件是免费的。Google won't talk specifics about pricing, but some developers expect the widgets that run on them to be free.

我曾经就这个问题与我的客户详谈过,他们中有很多是全球数一数二大公司的首席执行官或人力资源总裁。I've discussed this question at length with my clients, CEOs and HR directors of the world's largest companies.

详谈之前,请说明加工费或装配费以及支付方式。Before going further, please indicate the rate of processing or assembling charges, and also the method of payment.

在如何写一个好标题和副标题这方面有许多很好的书,因此在这个方面我在这里就不详谈了。There are many excellent books written about crafting good headlines and subject lines, so I won’t get into it here.

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师长尚勇前来火车站迎接了李部长,一番详谈之后,才明白李部长此行的目的。Shang teachers to come to the railway station to meet minister li, a talk, just understand li minister came here for.

虽然受中文水平所限,他无法和人们详谈,但他告诉他们他想要记录他们的日常生活。He doesn't speak enough Chinese to get to know them intimately, but he tells them he wants to document their daily lives.

我与他详谈过,来了解他目前的想法,即他是否接受队内目前的竞争。他表示同意并且一切做好准备。I needed to have a clear chat with him to see how he feels, whether he accepts competition for places. He does and he is ready for that.

这一次同样有着很大的收获,与黎主任进行一次愉快详谈,又了解到一个壮校的特色之处。This time, the same great benefits, and a pleasant Director Li go into the details, but also understand that a strong feature of the school.

但他拒绝进一步详谈这些协商的性质.他说,"我的中国朋友们喜欢把这个问题说成是美国单方面的问题,我想说,很多国家的看法和我们一致"."My Chinese friends like to pitch this as just an American issue. I like to say that there are many countries that feel the same way," Huntsman said.

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戴安娜公开详谈自己的私情,谈得那么津津有味,显然是完全不怕家丑外扬。Diana openly dwelled on her extramatrital relationships with such gusto that she evidently had no scruples whatever about washing her dirty linen in public.

并且在这期间他们要出席由处理离婚案件的官员们主持的会议,这些官员会和这对夫妻深入详谈,或者这一个月就在等待中度过。During that time the couple had to show up for meetings with divorce officials—who tried to talk them out of breaking up—or risk having the whole process voided.

戴安娜公开详谈自己的私情,谈得那么津津有味,显然是完全不怕家丑外扬了。Diana openly dwelled on her extramarital relationships with such gusto that she evidently had no scruples whatever about washing her dirty her dirty linen in public.