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伯宰拥有近300个专利权。Birdseye held nearly 300 patents.

在箭的专利权德文特河提示。PATENT DERWENT at an arrow prompt.

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他获得了这项发明的专利权。He got a patent for this invention.

卡恩斯从坦恩要回了他的专利权。Kearns got his patent rights back from Tann.

如果我们侵犯了专利权会怎么样?What happens if we have a patent infringement?

他获得了“原子可以再分”这一概念的专利权。He patented the idea that the atom could be split.

我们也拥有这项专利权纯系巧合。It's a coincidence that we've also got the patent.

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1870年,亚力山大。贝尔申请了电话的专利权。In 1870, Alexander Graham Bell patented the telephone.

我热衷于潜在专利权的暂时保留.I’m intent on tentative retention of potential patents.

无人相信这男孩取得了这一新装置的专利权。No one belie'ved that the boy pa'tented the new device.

专利号码、篇名、专利权人和发明人。Patent Number, Title, Assignees, Inventors plus Abstract.

巴黎人约瑟夫·莫尼耶获得钢筋混凝土的专利权。Reinforced concrete was patented by Joseph Monier of Paris.

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破产者必须把所有的专利权转让给破产管理人。The bankrupt must assign all of his patents to the receiver.

专利申请权或者专利权的转让自登记之日起生效。The assignment shall take effect as of the date of registration.

合同使这家公司必须付给发明者专利权使用费。The contract binds the company to pay royalties to the inventor.

对专利产品的再制造是否会侵犯专利权?。Will remanufacture of patented products infringe on the patents?

1970年的今天,道格拉斯·恩格巴特获得了电脑鼠标的专利权。Douglas Engelbart receives the patent for the first computer mouse.

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申请被批准后,该单位为专利权人。After the application is approved, the entity shall be the patentee.

出售专利权,使用权,并提供技术支持。We sell patent right and usufruct of RIAF, and provide tech support.

三星已反诉讼过,认为苹果公司侵犯其无线专利权。Samsung has counter-sued, arguing Apple infringed its wireless patents.